October 17, 1947
The only reason that this date is even mentioned is because Elijah Montgomery was handed a newspaper by the concierge at the Pierre, the hotel of choice for the Rand corporation, his employer. They could have kept an apartment in New York City, but for the few times anyone from the company came up from Godfrey Alabama, his bosses wife loved the Pierre and said to her husband. "Let's do it right!" clearly Mrs. Rand would spend more time in New York than anyone else but that is another story. Elijah loved his yearly trips to the "City" as he learned to called it, he refused to be known as the "hick" in the "City" he strutted as if he were a regular New Yorker. His breakfast that morning was a Pierre speciality and sumptuous, eggs benedict, sausages, freshly squeezed orange juice. The more things the typical native new yorker would do the more Elijah had to do them, in his own way he was on board with Mrs. Rand, and loving the Pierre on 5th Avenue, one of the most famous avenues in the world. Elijah was feeling quite proud of himself as he walked out into the beautiful autumn day. He decided that it was a good day for stroll in the park and that was just what he did. Rand corporation was part of the nations growing pet food industry, Elijah was excited to be back for the national convention this year. After the war years when all the big events were cancelled for the greater good, in reality Elijah could have come on account of his 4-F status with his damn flat feet. But since the conventions were cancelled he had no choice but to stay in Godfrey, "Don't y'all get me wrong, I love my hometown but the real excitement is in New York City." He would say, Elijah did love his hometown and was a proud southerner as well as American. But Godfrey will never be New York City. Central Park was a grand treat, just people watching was the best, he saw more folks in his little sojourn in the park than he saw in a month back home in Godfrey. My speech is at 1pm he said to no-one in particular, I could practice a bit before but I think I nailed it. He confidently strolled into the Plaza hotel, where he had the brilliant idea of going into the Palm Court to have a drink, that will start quite a few cocktail conversations at the Oak Ridge country club back home.
"Garcon table for one." Elijah was proud of his city ways, and loved to impress the New York crowd with his suave and confident nature.
"Right this way sir, and how are you enjoying this lovely autumn day?" The waiter asked as he directed him to his seat.
"Quite nice, indeed very nice!" Elijah replied, with his "City" polish.
"Very good sir and what shall I get for you this afternoon?" The waiter asked.
" I believe that I will have a Manhattan" He laughed out loud after he said it.
" Ha ha ha, I am one funny son of a gun."
"Yes indeed sir." Was the waiters response. Elijah finished that one and immediately ordered another and the always confident Elijah was even more filled with bravado, and a little tipsy, after all he was sitting in the finest hotel in New York City having a few drinks before he was to give the keynote speech to open the convention, who is more impressive than me he thought. He shifted his seat a bit to take in the luncheon crowd in the very classic Palm Court, when he saw a set of gams that went all the way from Mobile to Biloxi. "Wow look at them gams!" He said aloud. His comment was overheard by the two older ladies who were lunching in their hats and gloves, causing them to look at him with a sideways glance of disapproval. The set of gams shifted in her seat and Elijah caught a glimpse of her auburn hair cascading to her shoulders.
"Hot damn!" Was his comment, once again the look of disapproval from the neighboring table. The red head shifted once again in her seat and more of her became visible from behind the lattice screen at the Palm Court. Wow that is a knock out he did not say this outloud conscious of the old dames, sitting next to him. Damn we don't grow em like that in Alabama! He thought. She was pure class from her shoes on up! Elijah considered himself a connoisseur of classy broads.
"Hey buddy." He called the waiter losing all sense of his metropolitain airs.
"Yes sir another drink I believe it is a Manhattan?" He asked.
"Sure thing buddy and do me a favor send one to the red head over there behind that there screen." Elijah said excitedly.
" I am sorry sir at the Palm Court we simply do not do things like that, when a lady is unescorted we tend to allow them their privacy, it simple our policy, I am sorry sir!" Explained the waiter. Elijah would have no part of that. "Son is there a manager here in this establishment? Where I come from it is the polite thing for a southern gentleman to buy a broad.. er I mean a lady a drink, go on fetch him!" Demanded Elijah.
"Yes sir Mr. Malone is the manager, I will go and "fetch" him for you!" The waiter tried not to show his displeasure, it was thinly veiled.
"Excuse me Mr. Malone I have a customer who wishes to buy a drink for our special guest seated behind the screen, and he will not take no for an answer, he requests to speak with you sir."
"I shall take care of it Smith which gentleman is it?" Asked Mr Malone.
"The one in the navy suit and the white socks, on the right side sir!" Said Smith.
"Oh yes indeed, tell the gentlemen that I will be over in a few moments."
"Yes sir." And the waiter went to Elijah.
"Mr Malone will be with you shortly." Smith told Elijah.
"Good I never heard of such nonsense in my absolute entire life, not being able to buy a lady a drink preposterous!" Scoffed Elijah.
Then Mr. Malone came over.
"Excuse me sir are you a guest at the Plaza? I am Mr. Malone, the manager of the Palm Court to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"
"Mr. Malone, I am Elijah J. Montgomery and no sir, I am staying up the road at the Pierre, what is this here nonsense that I can not buy that young lady a drink? Where I come from it is the height of southern politeness to offer a lady a free drink!" Said Elijah, who might have pushed the envelope with 2 Manhattans under his belt.
"Mr. Montgomery, normally we are very strict with our policy, the lady happens to be a very important guest of the Plaza, and we are trying to allow her to have a drink with a bit of decorum if you understand my point, hence the screen!" Said Mr. Malone, as courteously as possible.
"Ok Mr. Malone, how about we do this, send the drink and if the lady refuses I will just leave quietly without a fuss, what harm can that do?"
"Mr. Montgomery, we shall honor your request even though you are not a guest at the Plaza, and if the lady does indeed refuse your offer, it would be very good of you to leave quietly, I agree it does not do any harm to offer."
Mr. Malone waved over Smith and told him the situation.
Smith came over to Elijah's table and spoke.
"Indeed sir and shall I tell the lady it is from you?" The waiter asked.
"Hot damn son of course tell her it's from me!" Elijah exclaimed.
"Of course sir, in a flash sir." Stated Smith.
He then walked over to the bar and said. "Hey Joey another Manhattan for the hick, what a yokel, navy suit and white socks sheesh, and a pink lady for 'you know who', the dame in the corner compliments of y'all!" The waiter responded with a snicker.
Joey took a look at Mr. Malone who nodded an approval and said. "You kiddin me, right, does he know who she is?"
"Don't know, doubt it, but it could be very interesting." The waiter answered.
The waiter walked over to the woman behind the screen and said. "Here you are Miss Hayworth compliments from the gentleman seated over there!" He said as he nodded towards Elijah. Rita Hayworth looked around the screen to see who bought her the drink. She responded in her very sultry voice. " Thank you Smith, tell him to come on over, I will thank the gentleman in person!"
Needless to say Elijah Montgomery never gave the keynote speech at the American Society of Pet Food Manufacturers Association opening ceremonies.
But he did have a hell of a good story to tell the boys at the Oak Ridge country club.
