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The Accidental Kidnapping


Carson Carruthers was born too late and did not fit into the world that he was thrust into and forced to live in. He never understood just why his life was such a battle, every task was exhausting and left him cold and alone. Carson was 23 years old, tall and lean from his high school years as captain the swim team, his hair was too long and unkept and hid his cool grey eyes, his beard was a bushy mess that surrounded lips too full and pretty to belong to a man. A contradiction of subtleties comprised his face, handsome in a rugged masculine way but with features that gave him too soft almost a feminine look. The beard was his saving grace it hid so much of what was seen as soft, now he looked the part of a savage and less the intellect. It was a few hours since he was kidnapped or so he thought by the gang of men who worked for the drug dealer, Harriman English.

At first he was tied and gagged to the hard metal chair for what seemed like days but was only a few hours, during that time his hands grew numb from lack of circulation and his legs had pins and needles from the ropes that bound him, breathing was an ordeal as the gag kept all the moisture in his mouth from evaporating it just kept building up and he was constantly trying to swallow. His back was twisted and pulled and the muscles were burning, Carson being an athlete knew that his very focused body would withstand the torture, he did not believe that they would hold him captive this long. His body reminded him that every tick of the clock on the wall in the abandoned loft was just 1 more second that he was being held. After about 5 hours Harriman sent two of his morons to release him from the binding ropes and captive chair, when they realised they had abducted the wrong man.

Just my luck Carson thought as they untied the thick rope he overheard the 2 men as they discussed just what they were to do with the wrong man, they could kill him and it would not matter to their boss at all since he was a nobody and remotely aware of the gangs plan, but since they did make the grave error it was more of an embarrassment if he lived. Once they removed the gag he took a deep breath and coughed the taste and the lint out of his mouth, and he swallowed a good deep one. He looked at the face of one of his captors and saw that he was clearly beaten up pretty good for the most unprofessional fuck up. The other was not harmed and he was the one that had the more sincere look of concern on his face.

"Lenny go get the pizza I will try and explain to this guy what the fuck is going on!"

The man who was unharmed said.

"Yeah good I'll be back" Lenny said. realising that he was given the golden parachute out of this fucking mess and he was going to take this chance to get the hell out of dodge, the boss was flipping furious when they realised they grabbed the wrong guy, and Lenny had enough.

Lenny took the money that the other man offered and within a few minutes he was gone.

"Hey kid let me try and explain just what happend to you, it's kind of funny in a sick mother fucking way, see we were told to get the guy with the beard and the hat and the laptop who was sitting at the Brooklyn Cupa Cafe, doing some shit on his laptop, my boss said that this guy was the one who had the hackers skill to get us into some pretty powerful assets if you know what I mean." The man said.

Carson took that time to assess the man, he was in his early 30's thick dark hair and really great looking face, this dude could have been a big time model instead of a drug dealers right hand, he was tall and had the kind of body that knows the gym every inch of it. It was disturbing that he found the man that was his captor so intensely sexy.

"It took you all this time to figure out that I am not that guy? and seriously a guy with a beard and hat in a Brooklyn coffee house, dude you might have said let's get a guy in black robes and a cross in a church." Carson said dryly.

"Listen kid yes the description was pretty stretchy, but the boss had a picture and the dude looked a lot like you, the only reason we know it's not YOU, is that your laptop was not that of a computer genius, it is more like a 20 something with a constant hard on for gay porn, not that there's anything wrong with that. The man kind of looked embarrassed, when he said it.

"Great I get kidnapped by politically correct incompetent morons, and now you are going to kill me because I was at the wrong cafe at the wrong time, this is exactly why my life sucks, ok just fucking kill me and get it over with, I am ready." Carson closed his eyes and placed his hands in the air.

"Kid I don't want to kill you I am not a moron I understand that you are innocent and we fucked up, that is no reason to kill someone, come on what kind of an animal do you think I am?" The man said.

"What we are going to do is to sit tight till my boss tells me what to do with you, he might not want you dead, but I am pretty sure that he pulled me from the job, so it looks like I am going to be your babysitter.

Shortly after they had their talk, the guy got a call from his boss, it seems that another detail got the right guy and he had to get this one out of the safe house they were to bring in the original guy, the right guy.

During the time they were together in the abandoned loft, the two men had lots of time to talk. The drug dealers guy was named Johnny and he was not the typical rough em up kind of guy. Carson found out that Johnny had a political science degree from NYU, a college that Carson could not even get into, He had to settle on Hunter and was able to get his scholarship for his swimming, but competing with the big fish Carson soon realised that his award winning speed and style in Boulder was not cutting in in the Big Apple and after 2 semesters he was tossed out on his wet bathing suit.

"Ok Carson I have to get you out of here, seems they got the right guy, so we can do this 2 ways number 1 you come along with me and don't cause any trouble and I will tell my boss that you cooperated and that should get you some points that you need in your favor right now, or I tie you up and toss you in a bag and take you via my trunk, it's up to you kid?" Johnny told Carson.

"Where are you taking me? is it like another abandoned place like this or some shitty motel somewhere?" Carson asked.

"Buddy lets just say the less you know the better it is for you, since you know too much already, it is not going to be like this, that I promise you since I am on guard duty till they decide what to do with you, I want some comforts this place ain't got, so what's it going to be an easy walk to the car or do I have to body bag you?" Johnny laughed.

"Body bag me for sure, this way my day will just keep getting better and better!" Carson said with a smirk.

"No problem I have one in the trunk, give me like 5 minutes!" He laughed.

"Johnny the other guy Lenny never came back with the pizza, you think he is gone, or did someone rub him out?" He asked.

"Carson this is not some dumb HBO gangsta movie people don't get rubbed out, my guess is Lenny realised the boat load of shit he is in and split, and to be honest if he didn't then he is stupider than I even guessed." Johnny said.

"Come on Carson let's get out of here, so you are going to behave right?"

"Sure why would I make a scene in the middle of the street and make other people aware that I am in trouble, and soon to be dead!" Carson stammered.

"It's not a done deal that anyone is going to kill you, it is like a 80-20 chance that you will walk away from this, I mean seriously what do you really know other that Harriman is looking to snatch a hacker, that is not especially big news, Harriman gets into more trouble when he goes out to the clubs with his girl, trust me you are not all that exciting!" Johnny laughed.

"Really I thought I was growing on you?" Carson shot back.

"Yeah like a 5" porcini grilled and covered with a organic butter and garlic and a melted 20 year old camembert, damn that sounds good, I am starving, you?"

"Let's think I was having a cup of coffee at 10 am and I have been tied up without food or water for about 12 hours now, of course I am starving and your mushroom sounds amazing you know food? I never would have figured a hitman to be a foodie?" Carson laughed, a sarcastic chuckle.

Johnny seemed genuinely hurt by the comment and responded.

"I am not a hitman, I do some work for my boss killing people is not what I do, and it's kind of shitty that you can judge me by what you perceive me to be, that is like me thinking that you are some sort of hipster pervert who loves gay porn and doesn't do anything else with his life!"

"Ouch that hurt, and it is not true I am working on a book of poems about what a fucking mess my life has been, so yes, I guess it is not fair for me to judge you, anymore than you judging me, how about we set some guidelines I will be straight with you and you with me?" Carson suggested.

"So you will be a good boy and walk to the car with me and not give me any trouble? lets get past this then I will set up some guidelines, like getting something to eat for both of us, deal?" Johnny asked.

"Yes I promise that I will behave, and not try and escape even though a level headed man would try, but with my luck you will just shoot me dead on the sidewalk, so I will not set up that ending!" Carson sighed.

"Carson, how important is your notes and laptop? if they hold any value for you, then what I suggest is that I will keep them with me as a subtle reminder that it's in your best interest in more ways than 1 to behave?" Johnny suggested.

"My notes are my life so since both are in your hands I will behave better than anyone you kidnapped before!"

"You are such a fucking smartass, which is rare for someone who still has a 20% chance of getting killed tonight, do me a real favor and keep your mouth shut and I will not have to knock you out to get you to shut the fuck up!" Johnny was pissed.

"Mmmnn Mnnn!" Carson murmured tight lipped.

Johnny whacked him gently on the back of his head, and then packed up everything that remained from the original mistake anything that spoke of Carson and the fuck up, he grabbed Carson's laptop and journal, and lead his problem into the hall and locked the door as the went down the stairs, Johnny thought either this son of a bitch, tries to escape and I am free of him, I will have to deal with Harriman and whatever he will dole out but this kid is grating on my last nerve, or I will just pop the bastard to shut him up!

Carson understood the brevity of the situation, years spent compiling his journal and all the work on his laptop, which he failed to backup recently to a hard drive meant he would lose all the brake out stuff he just completed. Given the circumstances he did have a better idea that to behave meant he would get the option to live versus getting a bullet in the head, so he chose to shut up and follow the lead of his kidnapper.

Johnny did not know what to make of this entire situation, Lenny fucked up and obviously is now out of the picture the bastard split the first chance he had so that left Johnny holding the bag or in this case the brat, having never experienced a live kidnapping before he had to trust his instincts and just proceed like his head told him. Getting Carson out of the city and to the safe house out on Long Island was the only thing that he focused on.

Once they got into the black Range Rover, and got comfortable Johnny began the drive to the remote location that was texted to him from the boss, a cottage in a small town out east, on the beach but not near any other houses. The trip took about 2 hours when they pulled into the long gravel drive and for the most part the trip was a quiet one, Carson slept and Johnny drove and thought about the next steps. When they pulled up to the cottage they entered and Carson was surprised that this was the safe house, it looked like an ad for Pottery Barn, it was by no means a rustic run down shack but a well built and well cared for home, someone spent a great deal of money on this place. Johnny checked for food and saw there was some but not to his standards so he wrote out a list and called the local shop to deliver the food. Carson listened to the list as he dictated it to the shop clerk and was surprised that the quality and assortment of food that Johnny selected was all pretty damn good.

Johnny showed Carson the room that he was to occupy and it was another great shock the room had a spectacular view of the ocean and the sound of the waves could be heard from the window when he opened it. There was also a private bath that again looked like it came out of a magazine.

"Hey Johnny could you have them bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste, I have nothing." Carson called out from the top of the stairs.

"Shit I need stuff for me too, who knows how long we are staying here?" Johnny responded.

That didn't sound too promising Carson thought, I guessed a day maybe until they get the right guy then they let me go, a few days thats not good!

"Hey do you mind if I take a nap, I am exhausted, even more tired than hungry, if you can believe that." Carson called from the upstairs hall.

"Yeah take a nap that would be a great idea, I will wait for the food and stuff and put together a great meal, you allergic to anything?"

"No I can eat anything, my Mom called me the garbage disposal."

"That's pretty funny, your mother has a sense of humor, good for her!"

"Had, she passed 2 years ago."

"Sorry I didn't mean anything by it."

"Don't sweat it I am cool, ok see you later."

"Ok bud, enjoy your nap."

Carson went into the bathroom and took a good look at himself and said.

"Jezz I look like the inside of shit!" He opened up a few drawers and found a pair of scissors and some other grooming stuff, all neatly packed in a travel bag, from the guy that must own the place it's good stuff, shit I would never buy, he thought but someone who could afford this house was not short on cash.

He set up a space on the counter and began to cut his hair off in big sections and trim his beard down and then he shaved the rest and he looked like a different man.

"100% better now!" He said to the empty bathroom and he decided to take a shower, since it was a really nice one with all kinds of body sprays and a big rain shower head. Once he was finished he was pleased with the new clean look, less like a homeless person he thought. He poked his head into the closet and saw that there was an abundance of clothing, he grabbed a fresh t shirt and some sweatpants they were too big but they were clean, and he tossed his own clothing on to a chair. He was about to head for the bed but the shower refreshed him and he no longer wanted a nap but he did want something to drink. He headed down stairs.

Once Carson said that he would nap, Johnny was really curious about what he had on the laptop, Johnny was a guy's guy and was known as a player with the ladies, but if he were honest with himself he was kind of curious, about checking out the gay stuff on the laptop, he never had a problem with gay men and they often hit on him and he was so nervous he would just say thanks and walk away, but there was something that ticked off a box about what 2 dudes would do with each other, Johnny was never free enough to explore that side of himself but he had to admit that it was kind of hot to be hit on all the time by some really good looking gay men.

He sat down at the table and opened the laptop, Harriman's guys broke the password protection so he had complete access to the files. There was as they said to him a ton of gay porn on the laptop and he just opened one of the files and there were 2 guys that he could have sworn were straight, they were built like he was so they hit the gym everyday and they were dressed in suits and they were so macho looking he had no idea that they would be into each other, and this was kind of a turn on for him that these 2 big macho dudes were playing like one was a real estate agent and the other was his client. Johnny watched the banter and saw how stupid the dialogue was but when the one guy grabbed the other and started to kiss him and their were wet mouths licking and sucking each other his own cock began to tingle and swell in his jeans, fuck this is hot he thought, every so often he would look up over his shoulder to make sure the owner of the laptop and this pretty heady porn was still upstairs. As the two hunky guys began to rip each others clothing off and exposed hard muscled bodies and hands and mouths were going all over, Johnny had a raging hard on. When the one guy started to suck the other through his white briefs Johnny was getting light headed, and began to rub his own hard cock through his jeans, imagining what it must feel like to have a man just like you sucking your cock, he could not contain himself and he popped the buttons on his jeans and pulled out his own hard dripping cock and began to stroke to the motion on the screen. Johnny was lost in his own world of extreme sexual desire, the pleasure he was giving himself was so much more intense as he watched the video and the guys were into more serious stuff.

Carson listened and it was mostly quiet downstairs so he guessed that Johnny had decided to take a nap as well so he did not make a lot of noise coming down the stairs, he was barefoot so it was very quiet. When he got to the turn in the stairs he was able to see into the open concept great room and kitchen and he saw Johnny's back as he watched the video, Carson could see that his right hand was moving pretty quickly and he then saw that Johnny was jerking off to one of the videos he had on his laptop. He immediately felt awkward and went back up the stairs as quietly as when he came down. Fuck he thought that the dude who was in charge of him who he thought was hot as fuck was into dudes he never would have guessed it from the man's body language and mannerisms but Carson knew that to even try and suppose was just plain stupid. Carson went back to the room and gave him some time to finish what he was doing before he got up and slammed the door open, and called out down below.

"Hey is the food here yet, I am starving?"

Johnny had finished his mastrubating, and had cleaned himself up and shut the laptop and was standing at the sink rinsing a glass.

"No not yet, it takes a while remember we are not in Brooklyn anymore, things are slower out here." Johnny yelled with his back to the stairs.

Carson came down the stairs, and walked over to the kitchen island and sat down, he had a new and interesting feeling about the other man now, he kind of felt that if one thing they now had something in common so it was less like a hostage and terrorist situation and he calmed down a lot.

Johnny turned around and was not prepared for what he saw, Carson was cleaned up and he cut a lot of the hair away from his face and he saw him for the first time as a good looking man. He had also changed into a new white t-shirt and looked very handsome sitting there at the island and Johnny caught himself before he made any awkward sounds.

"Holy shit what happened to you, you look like a different man?"

" Just wanted to get cleaned up and I took a shower, that bathroom is amazing... and I found some clothing in the closet, do you think the owner will mind I just grabbed a t-shirt and some sweatpants?" Carson stood up and showed Johnny his new clean self.

"If you looked like this the other day they never would have grabbed you!" Johnny laughed and noticed the way the large sweatpants hung on Carsons hips, exposing a trail of light brown hair that ended in an exposed patch of darker thicker hair that the loose sweatpants did not cover, he followed the line until he saw the outline of Carson's cock in the loose sweatpants, and it was hanging right there under the soft fabric and Johnny was surprised at how sexy the man looked just standing there. He was unaware of the smile that remained on his face as he looked over the young man.

Carson felt his eyes roaming over his body and felt a bit exposed when he looked down and saw just how revealing the large sweat pants were. It was as if something had occurred and they both knew it. Johnny was smiling at what he saw which told Carson, it was something he liked. The moment was abruptly halted by the sound of the doorbell and Johnny went to let the delivery guy in with the food.

"Shall I just charge it to the house account sir?" The guy asked.

"Sure do that, it is for the owner we are just opening up the house for them this weekend, it's hard for them to get away from the city!" Johnny lied.

He had no idea who owned this house and if they were ever coming back to it.

The delivery guy placed the box and bags on the island and was turning to go.

"Here is a little something for your trouble." Johnny handed the guy a 50.00 dollar bill, not quite the cost of all the food, but the delivery guy just about tripped on his way out, his regulars never gave him more than 3 or 4 dollars, this guy was a god to him!

"Thank you sir and if you anything else just have them ask for me I am Wayne, and whatever you need you just call and I will get it out to you personally!" The delivery man exclaimed.

"Thanks kid, have a great night!" Johnny walked him out the door.

Carson dove into the bag and grabbed an apple and a banana and chopped them down in no time, then he sat back at the island, curious as to what the man was going to whip up for dinner.

"Johnny what's for dinner, do you need any help?" He asked.

"I had them bring over a good selection so I am not sure yet, you feel like chicken or a steak?"

"I do not care one bit, you cook it I will eat it, and I am serious if you need a hand with anything."

"Ok I am feeling like putting on a show tonight with this amazing kitchen and the stuff I have I am going to enjoy myself, you can make a salad, right?"

"Sure no problem, show me where the stuff is and I am there."

Johnny noticed a huge difference with the kids attitude he seems so much more relaxed, it's like we are friends or something staying the weekend at a buddies house together.

"Carson, you sit back and let me have my fun when it's time I will ask you to throw the salad together." Johnny himself was much more relaxed.

"Do you think they will get mad if we had some wine with dinner?" Carson asked spying a well stocked wine fridge.

"Fuck it let's go for it!" Johnny said with that smile, that awesome smile.

"Ok I will open the wine red or white? Carson asked.

"White will go with the dinner I have in mind but I like red better." Johnny told him.

"I like red better too so who cares if we break a few rules right? With that Carson realized that he was flirting with his captor and liking it.

He thought that if he could somehow get to the topic about what Johnny was seeing on his laptop he might be able to see if there was a chance with the big sexy captor.

"While you do your thing do you mind if I write a bit in my journal?" He asked.

"Since you are not the guy the boss was looking for feel free to write what you want, it's your business now after all, just as long as you keep us out of it, I am sure Harriman will not ever wish to see any of this exposed in a blog or sold to some tv station." He warned.

"Forget it let me just check my email if we have wifi out here?"

Carson sat at the island with his laptop and saw that there was wifi but it was password protected, so he could not get to check his email but it gave him the excuse that he needed to bring up the topic about the video.

Johnny closed the video but did not close out the tab, so when Carson hit the tab the video opened. And he acted kind of shocked.

"Johnny when your boss and his guys opened up my laptop did they open up any of the videos that I had on it, because there is one that they failed to close but the curious thing is that if they did open it when they shut down the laptop to get it back to me the system would have closed any open tabs, so it must have been opened since we got here, did you open any videos on my laptop?" Carson questioned.

"No why would I open anything in your laptop what would be there for me to see?" Johnny was trying to get out of this but was finding every escape route blocked.

" I do not mind if you opened up a video and the one that was opened was really hot, but it would hold no interest for a straight guy like you, its this really sexy one where these 2 guys who are so hot get in and all over each other, it's one of my favorites, when I need to get my cock up in my face this one always gets me crazy."

Carson hit play and turned the laptop so it was visible to both of them.

"Hey Johnny I am curious, I knew I was gay like when I was a kid, so this stuff really works for me, but what does a straight man thinks of what these 2 are doing to each other, does it even spark any curiosity?" He coyly asked.

"Let me see it, No not even a spark of curiosity, 2 men having sex is not something I have ever seen before, so no it is not even remotely interesting to me." He adamantly stated this fact.

"Ok just curious, thats all sometimes it is interesting to see how someone reacts to this sort of thing, for me it is natural, but obviously for you it holds no appeal, but there is one video that is even hotter for me, same kind of setup but it takes place at the gym, it's kind of hard to explain it let me show you, or if you are too busy with dinner I can watch it in private." Carson said matter of factly.

"No, no go ahead and watch it if you like, don't let me stop you."

Carson found it and hit play and the video started with 2 very well built men working out in a real gym and doing the right stuff, till one guys cock slips out of his shorts and the friend, takes it as an invitation. By now Johnny was watching the video and had this strange look on his face, puzzled.

"When he could not hold it in any longer he began to ask questions.

"Hey Carson, they are in a real gym, the kind I go too, and they are doing the right exercises, this is kind of legit, those bodies are not something you can buy that requires serious work to get in shape like that, whoa, the guys cock just slipped out of his shorts, that never happened at my gym, and holy shit the other guy is sucking that entire thing, its fucking huge." Johnny could no longer pretend to fake a lack of interest he was very into it.

Carson was already erect and his own rather large organ was tenting the sweat pants and left a wet spot where his tip was rubbing against the fabric. He did not care and was curious to see if Johnny was sporting a hard on as well, but he could not see over the other side of the island, and he did not think Johnny would notice his own raging erection, He was too busy watching the video. So Carson had to create a diversion.

"Ok I guess you have seen enough to know its not for you!" And he stopped the video, using his very best suggestive body language he decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to stand up and yawn, thereby showing Johnny the entire package and if he noticed it then it was all good if he had no interest in the young mans sexy body and tented sweatpants, then that was the direction he was taking it. Johnny looked up from the laptop with a look on his face of Why? then he watched as Carson stood and yawned and he pulled his arms over his head and this caused the tshirt to lift up and expose his wonderful flat belly and the trail that lead down below, but it was his hard on that caught Johnny like a slam to the head with a concrete block. The young man was so hard that his very large cock was tenting out the oversized sweatpants and there was a huge wet spot where he was leaking precum during his aroused state. As he twisted his body in the yawn, Johnny was so excited by his erection that his own already swollen cock from the video twitched and demanded attention. While Carson still had his eyes closed Johnny stood up and adjusted his own hard on and quickly turned around so that Carson did not see his object of extreme embarrassment. Johnny felt light headed he gripped the counter top and held on tight. Carson opened his eyes and saw that Johnny had white knuckles as he grabbed the countertop with his arms extended. It struck Carson that he did not notice the extent of the mans hard muscles until he saw him gripping the counter his arms from the forearm up to his biceps were hard and pumped even the muscles spread across his broad back were pulled taut, and his neck was solid and tight leading up to his thick short hair, from the vantage point Carson could see that the back Johnny's neck was flushed. It was now very obvious the two men were interested in each others bodys as well as everything else. Johnny was so confused his own body was a traitor and was leading him down a new and dark and exciting path, he wanted to take Carson in his big strong arms and hold his tight sexy body and feel the heat as they pressed together and Johnny could imagine the sweet and salty kisses they could share. Johnny was unable to turn and face the young man, he knew that he was aroused to a dangerous level and that he could not explain the thick bulge and wet spot in his own jeans. Johnny wanted to get out of the house and run and run as far away as he could.

Carson came around the island and he was so close to Johnny that all of a sudden he was there. "Can I help you now?" Carson asked, there was a load to his words, it could easily be taken now as an absolutely different question. When his arm brushed up against Johnny's hand on the counter the older man could not take it for another second, he turned and pushed Carson out of the way and ran out the french doors and kept on running till he hit the beach and he ran as tears flowed down his cheeks. What the fuck is wrong with me I have never wanted to kiss or touch a man before but Carson is getting me more an more disoriented, I am so confused, I like how this feels but it feels so wrong at the same time, god did not make men to have sex with each other, the church was clear about that as well as everything he understood, it is abhorrent and his family would hate him his friends would abandon him, his life would be over. He ran harder and faster feeling his heart pounding in his chest, this felt good this felt normal. About 3 miles he stopped and walked to the water, he kept walking the cold water soaked his shoes and pants and he kept going the fact that it was April did not make the water warm, it was in fact freezing cold, and Johnny kept walking into it his black shirt was soaked, the waves kept coming as he kept entering them, until a large wave sent him under and he forced himself up to breathe. Johnny knew that no matter how this played out he had to follow his heart and what he understood, the ice cold water numbed him as he swam toward the shore, He began to push harder but the water would not allow him to move closer to the shore, the more he struggled the more the water pulled him out towards the open sea. Johnny began to panic, the weight of his heavy wet clothing and the icy cold water were draining him. He heard Carson screaming from the beach as he was pulled further out. "John, it's a rip tide don't swim against it let it carry you DO NOT try to swim toward the shore you will drown, let it carry you do not fight it, Do you understand me?" Carson ran along the shore and shouted to him. "Are you sure I want to swim back I am fucking freezing, and want out of this water!" Johnny shivered as he shouted.

"John trust me I have been a swimmer all my life and was a lifeguard for many summers just stop struggling please. A rip current is small and if you move along with it eventually it will ease and you can swim back in just not now! TRUST ME!" Carson yelled.

"Ok man I trust you!" Johnny stopped struggling and the water did not pull him out but along the shore, as he bobbed up and down in the frigid water he watched Carson running alongside the water line. Then he was gone, one wave dipped him down and no Carson, but Johnny could feel the water stop pulling him and all of a sudden Carson was right there and was holding his head above water, all his swim training and the many lives he saved proved to Carson that he could handle a man larger than himself as long as the man did not fight the sea. He forced John's head above the water and began to swim towards the shore towing John in with ease since the rip current was now behind them. As they got to the point where Johnny could stand he leaned on the much more powerful swimmer, and they began to walk with the waves carrying them closer to the sand with each swell. Carson held him as he stepped upon the sand and collapsed, from the cold and the exertion he placed upon his body. Carson was right there kneeling over him and asking him if he, could breathe. Johnny nodded and shivered with his heavy wet clothing.

"John tell me when you can stand, if and when you are able, OK?" He asked the man laying on the dry sand shivering uncontrollably. He stroked the back of Johnny's head as he lay on the sand. And Johnny could feel the warmth spread to his own body. "I think I can get up but please help me?" He asked.

"Of course I am right here John, right here, lean on me to get up." The 2 soaking wet men slowly stood up and placed weight upon their legs. Johnny was unsteady but Carson was a stalwart and leaned his body so Johnny could use it to move.

"Carson I am so cold, it hurts!" Johnny said as they took their first step.

"I know John, I know, but the sooner we can get you to the house the faster we can get these wet clothes off of you and warm you up, look John the house is getting closer you are almost there, keep shivering big guy that is a very good sign, come on John look we are at the deck just a few more feet." Once they got into the house, Carson told him. " Please just do everything I say no matter what you think, ok?"

"SSSure!" Johnny shivered.

"Ok help me get your clothing off the cold wet clothing is making it worse, Just do It!" Carson ordered. Johnny began by pulling his wet shirt over his head.

"Good now keep taking EVERYTHING off, while I get some blankets!" Carson demanded. Carson ran to the bedrooms and grabbed every blanket, comforter, throw he could find, he tossed the out to the hall and when he had a big pile he carried them to where Johnny was trying to get out of his wet pants.

"Ok big guy let me help you!" Carson tugged down the wet jeans, and pulled down the white jockey shorts that Johnny was wearing and began to wrap him in the blankets as he lead him to the sofa, a big oversized sectional with lots of seating, and he lead him to the spot closest to the fireplace. It was gas but it would produce heat and he knew they needed every bit of heat they could get. Johnny lay down as Carson wrapped him under blanket after blanket, not even aware of his own heavy wet clothing. He reached for the remote to turn the fireplace on and at once it was on and blowing warm air towards Johnny. Carson was sure to leave his face exposed, so he could breathe and he could monitor him from under all the blankets. Once he was sure that Johnny was not shivering so intensely did he pull off his own wet clothing and toss them in a pile and he wrapped himself in a blanket as well.

"John talk to me tell me about your life, where you grew up what you did as a child, just keep talking tell me anything, it is key that you do not fall asleep, you understand me?" Carson implored.

"I am still so cold, I can't think, I want to sleep!" Johnny said from his spot on the sofa.

"Fuck no, you will not fall asleep, John do you still trust me, I have been 100% straight with you, what I am about to do does not seem to make any sense but listen to me it is the only thing I can do to safely get your body temperature up, see your core is still cold and that means that the blood that your skin needs is being sent to your organs, you can not be rushed up with a hot bath or steam that could make it worse, so you have to just trust me that what I am about to do is to save your life, got that?"

"Johnny was fighting falling asleep his head was clouded his thoughts unclear, he was so very tired. Carson stepped out of the blanket that he had wrapped around himself and began to slip under the pile he had over Johnny, once he made skin to skin contact he began to hold the big man tightly not to rub his skin or to create friction but to use his own body heat to regulate the big mans. Johnny opened his eyes and Carson was laying on top of him wrapping his arms around him and pressing his nude body all along his own cold body. He smiled as he felt the smallest change in his body temperature, but anything that could help him right now was the right thing to do.

"I never laid naked with a man before, you make it feel kind of nice." The big man said.

"Never mind that, tell me about the last hit job you did, give me all the details, and do not fall asleep!" Carson scolded.

"Don't get mad I said it feels nice, you are a sweet kid you know, once you stopped being a dickhead." Johnny murmerd.

"Hey wake up, I am not doing this to make you gay, its your life you big lunkhead, and you are the nicest hitman I ever met once you stopped being an ass!"

Johnny held Carson tighter, and he began to tell him the story of the last hit job he did for Harriman, Carson was intrigued that he was able to actually kill someone, and then go out to dinner." The best news was that the last resort did work, Carson knew it was the best way to transfer body heat in a situation where immediate medical attention was not available. He just did not think the big man would be enjoying it, but he knew that when suffering from hypothermia, the mind was not sharp or focused, so he let Johnny just feel the freedom that he doubtful would ever experience when he was not suffering from hypothermia.

As Johnny was telling his stories he was feeling almost euphoric as the blood was again flowing to his organs that were getting the least amount while he was in distress. He took his arms out from his sides and held Carson closer to him, it was a struggle for Carson as the much stronger man pulled him tighter.

"Er John if you want to kill me keep doing what you're doing, I can't get any closer to you this is about it, can you ease up a little I thought I heard a rib crack!"

"Sorry little guy I just want to wrap myself all around your cute little self, you are so sexy do you know that, when you cut your hair and trimmed that beard I thought how beautiful you are, and then when I saw your flat little tummy and that trail of hair to your cock it got me excited, you know, and I have never seen a cock look as yummy as yours in those sweats, I want to kiss it and lick it like the movies, you make me feel like a big strong man that wants to love and protect you, do you want me to love and protect you?" Johnny slurred, obviously feeling the difference of being warmer, but his head was still not functioning as he was saying things he was not aware of.

" Oh yeah, John please just love me and protect me, you the man!" Carson was playing along to keep the big guy from falling asleep. It came as quite a shock as he felt Johnny's lips on his neck, he was using his tongue and lips and beginning to drive Carson crazy.

"Hey John you want to stop doing that, I know that you are just full of love for the entire world right now but you need to conserve your body heat please, and besides you are tickling me!" Carson asked calmly.

"Beautiful you are ticklish? Soon Johnny was tickling the younger man all over his ribs and lower back and he was even stroking Carson's very sensitive ass.

"Ok, I can tell you are feeling much better, its a shame that you will not remember any of this when you wake up after that horrible headache you are going to recieve, Stop it and let me go!" Carson was squirming under the tickling assalt from the sexy man. But he knew that although his body temperature was getting better his cognisant thoughts were far from normal. This worried Carson as he tried to squirm out of the man's firm grasp. Then Johnny started on his neck again a very sensitive spot for Carson, as much as he tried to hold down his erection it was just too much for him as Johnny was licking and sucking all along the side of his neck, Carson was trying to pry himself out of the man's grip but realised that there was no way that Johnny was letting go.

"John I have to pee, can you let me go please, I have to pee really badly!" Carson lied.

"You mean that this getting all big and hard means that you have to take a piss, could have fooled me I bet something else will be coming out of that, just like the movie huh Cary?" Johnny grabbed Carson's hard cock and began to pull it, and rub it.

"John stop that, you are hurting me, cut it out and let me go!" Carson was mad now.

"I am sorry Cary I just want to be like the hot guys in the movie and you are so sexy right now can you kiss me?" Johnny asked.

"No I am serious let me go, Now!"

"Ok I am sorry you can leave me everyone leaves me, it's just my life, all alone!" Johnny began to sob. Ok Carson thought we are on the right track, sudden depression is classic he is almost 100% back to normal temperature wise.

His thought process will not return to normal until he sleeps it off almost like a heavy drinker, who gets a big bad drunk on.

Johnny let him go and Carson held him tightly for a moment to let him know that he appreciated being released from the big guys arms and mouth. Carson lifted himself off of Johnny and as he did he saw that his cock was still throbbing and red like rudolph's nose.

"Fuck me!" He said out loud, not as a suggestion but as a complaint. He wrapped his tender body in a blanket and tucked the rest over Johnny who was still sobbing.

"What a fucking day, I need a glass of wine he wrapped the blanket around himself and went to open the red he selected for dinner, Carson popped the cork and poured himself a huge goblet almost the entire bottle, went back to the far end of the sofa and watched the big man slowly sob himself to sleep.

He reached over and got his journal and started with the date, and no one is going to believe this. The last paragraph said: This is my life, trapped with the most beautiful straightest gay curious hit man on the planet, in this multi million dollar beach house miles from anyone, and this beautiful man wanted to kiss me and get to know my hard cock, but I did not take advantage of the situation and demanded that he let me go from his embrace. I am either morally competent or a complete dick head! Such is my life.

Carson put down the journal and sighed deeply, the sun was setting and the warmth from the fire kept the room very comfortable, he watched as the beautiful man slept, deeply and for the time peacefully, the headache Carson knew would come, and then John would be miserable. But for now he went over to the man sat alongside him and stroked his forehead and kissed it and tasted the salty tang of the sea on his skin. He sat and stroked his thick dark hair almost absent mindedly, feeling in a way that it was okay that John belonged to him and they were a couple, far from the reality of what was truly going on. Carson was soon lulled to sleep from the huge glass of wine and the soft light, the warm fire and the beautiful man sleeping under his hand.

Carson woke up before Johnny did and he went and searched for some new clothing to wear, took a liking to the home owners taste and found another more expensive pair of sweatpants and a cashmere sweater, again both too big but they felt nice, he set up the orange juice that was delivered earlier and the extra strength pain reliever, he even figured out how to use the complex european washer and dryer, and had all their clothing cleaned and folded. He was comfortable in the luxurious beach house and walked around like he owned the place. As he was hungry he just ate the fruit that Johnny had selected, this kept him going but he was really getting hungry and he did not know when the big guy would wake up. Eventually once it got close to 7pm Carson said. "I can wait no longer!" He pulled out the salmon steaks that Johnny had selected and began to search for seasoning to compliment the fish and was started to open and close doors and make noise banging pots and pans.

Soon Johnny was stirring. "Holy Fucking Christ, I have the most brain twisting mother fucking headache!" He squeezed his head with his hands and Carson brought over the OJ and the meds. "What happened to me, I remember you pulling me out of the water and now I am laying here naked and with the fire on, sweating my ass off under all these blankets!" He tossed the blankets off and lay on the sofa nude, still clutching his head. He drank the juice and popped the pills into his mouth and muttered "Thanks!" He lay back down on the sofa. "Oh Fuck I was supposed to make dinner!" He sat up too quickly and said. "Woah can't do that again!"

"No worries I have some salmon in the oven and there are some tomatoes in a dressing, we are good, you just take it easy ok?" Carson told him.

Johnny had both of his eyes covered with his hands and said. "Cary you were really amazing out there on the water, I would be dead if not for you, and everything else you did, it's a bit fuzzy but you are a true life saver!" He sighed.

"John, what did you just call me?" Carson asked puzzled.

"Cary, I called you that when you were holding me, and I like it bette Carson sounds kind of pretentious, you know what I mean?" He said matter of factly.

"Just how much do you remember? when I was holding you?" Carson queried.

"Pretty much everything, I especially liked the way your neck tasted salty when I licked and sucked it, Yeah baby I remember everything!"

"But you said so many things I thought you were out of it?"

"I felt like I was a bit stoned but I remember everything, and I just wanted to thank you for not taking advantage of me when I was so fogged in!" Johnny smiled his beautiful white teeth smile. Carson was very confused. "So you remember everything that you said about wanting to love and protect me?"

"Sure Cary It felt so right with you laying in my arms, more right than anything else I have ever felt, you look surprised, don't you want me to explore my sexuality with you, I find you beautiful, sexy and look at my cock just talking about you, is getting me rock hard." Johnny laughed. Carson went over to the sofa and leaned in and kissed him deeply and passionately and his own cock strained the fabric again. Johnny grabbed him and pulled him alongside of him on the sofa and leaned in to kiss him back, Carson ran his hands on the sexy muscled chest and sighed, as he lowered his hand over the hairless abs so well defined and sculpted. He pulled away from the kiss and began to kiss Johnny's body till he was inches away from his thick hard cock. "In all the time we were naked together I never got a good look at you!"

He took the cut beauty to his lips and licked the salty precum that ozzed out of the large cockhead. Carson's cock was uncut and the fact that this man was cut had his own now hard as steel, Johnny moaned as Carson stroked the very thick and veined shaft with both of his hands, before he slipped his tongue under and around swollen gland. Johnny rubbed his hair and stroked his back as Carson continued to slowly take his cock into his wet mouth. "Hey baby?" Johnny questioned as Carson looked up at him his beautiful grey eyes shining his cheeks flushed and his fat cock between his lips. "That is the most beautiful thing I have ever fucking seen!" Carson resumed his task of trying to fit the thick slab of heated cock into his hungry mouth. " No, no, no not now, as much as I would hate for you to stop, I am thinking that your salmon is done, and can we resume this later after we shower and get the sea off of us?" Carson reluctantly released his new favorite toy and said " You are right we both need a shower, and we really need to eat something.

"Come back up here beautiful man!" Johnny was so relaxed, there was this ease they now felt with each other. "You have any idea how proud I am that you saved my life, first from drowning, then from hypothermia, I am very glad that they grabbed you that day, you have helped me release so much anxiety and bull shit, when you have your life dangle like that and then you see the opportunity to have something that you have always wanted but never even knew what it was, I was falling for you even when you were all scruffy and annoying but this side of you is absolutely perfect, you are sexy, you are smart, you are quick on your feet, did I say sexy, you make me proud to feel that what we can share is right, and I will never doubt anything that you can do." Johnny said with complete certainty.

"John you are going to make me cry, I thought you were the most handsome and beautiful man to kidnap me, when I first looked at you I said this man should be a model, and your body it is sculpted to perfection, I want to get to know every inch of you, but you know when I thought I was falling for you, is when you told me you graduated from NYU you could have taken me right then and there, you were the entire package brains beauty, strength, kindness and you love to cook, wow pinch me I am dreaming!" Johnny took his chin in his hand and turned his face to his and kissed the man with every ounce of passion and joy he had within him.

"Mmmm where did you learn to kiss like that?" Carson purred resting his head on his mans strong chest. "Let me see about 7 minutes ago and right here, I never wanted to kiss anyone like I want to kiss you, my beautiful man!" Johnny answered honestly.

"Wow if you are such a quick learner I have a few other tricks that I can't wait to teach you!" Carson snuggled his face into the warm chest.

"Baby you show me once and yes I will do my best to please you, do you remember when I said that I want to love and protect you, I meant it."

"I see that, and I wrote in my journal that you were going to wake up and not remember anything that you said or felt, and look at how wrong I was maybe being kidnaped by accident was the best thing that could have ever happened to us!"

"Come on let's eat, I am so hungry!"

"Yeah me too baby me too!"

After they ate the salmon and tomato salad, the events of the day rushed upon them and giving it a fighting chance they both passed out cold early into the evening.

That night Carson taught Johnny how to give and receive love from another man, he was an adept learner.

Before dawn Johnny woke up and went to the french doors that led to the balcony overlooking the sea, he opened them and stood for a second listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand. He went out and sat on one of the chairs and closed his eyes. There was a completeness that he felt, as if everything he had ever done was somehow lacking, Johnny was not one to be without female company they were always hitting on the muscled hunk with the models face. He fucked them long and hard, every which way that either he or they imagined, it was always a sublime pleasure to release his pent up sperm. Johnny was always happy to have that release and being an attentive lover he demanded that his female partners received their own pleasure. But after last night doing things with Carson that he had only recently seen videos of, there was something completely different and satisfying in a deeper level, he had to admit that it hurt like a mother when Carson tried to even slip his fingers into him, but he somehow wanted to feel that pain and make it go away and become more. The thought of Carson's huge cock entering him got him light headed and he felt an odd twitching deep within that needed to feel the slow rhythm of that hard heated muscle slipping into him. 24 hours ago he would never have noticed that twitch, but to be completely honest with himself he always felt something extraordinary when a woman would slip a slender finger into him as he ejaculated. I will feel Carson in me, and it will be soon, he was quite adamant about that. His own cock rose from the soft breeze and the thoughts running through his mind. He looked at the staff that rose proudly from his flat pubic area and reached up to his navel, you have to be kidding me he said out loud to his erection, after last night there is no way that you have any energy left, we came and came and came many times last night. He laughed as he swatted his erection away. Carson was sound asleep so Johnny went down to start breakfast, with the variety of food he was going to show Carson that he really was quite at home in the kitchen. Johnny found a salas station on the sound system and was dancing as he cut up the fruit and was preparing the special eggs. This is what love feels like he said to himself as he danced around the kitchen nude and so very happy. I have never felt like this before, so happy and content and so at one with my own body. With women I always felt like they wanted me for just what I looked like an how i was pumped. They were shallow and when we finished they would leave and I would stay in bed wondering what the hell was that, sure my cock would enjoy the wet ride, but there was nothing more. Last night Carson touched me in places no one ever touched me, he made love to all of me and not just what was dangling between my legs. Johnny shuddered when he remembered Carson sucking on his nipples, never in 31 years has anyone done that and he loved it, he licked from the back of his neck down his spine and Johnny was a bowl of jello, even sucking his toes was a mind blowing experience Carson new the male body and until last night Johnny had no idea how sensitive his body was. When he kissed Carson's bearded lips the sensation set his mouth on fire when he rubbed his face on Carsons hairy chest it was a primordial feeling that went back to the caveman times when men experienced each other, without rules and society to get in the way, just so natural and loving. When they each took each other in their mouths, the smooth silky hardness had a smell strong and potent, Johnny loved the way his foreskin slipped and slid over his swollen cock head crimson pink as so smooth. The clear precum oozing out and soaking everything Johnny lapped it up from his hairy navel trail, sweet as honey and so flowing. He became self conscious of his own huge cock it was nothing to be ashamed of but it did not have that wonderful skin to protect it from the elements it was dry and not a shiny a lustrous as Carson's. While Johnny was tossing all the ingredients for the perfect breakfast Carson was stirring, he reached out his hand and touched the pillow where Johnny laid the night before, when he heard the music and the pots and bowls hitting the island's granite counter, he knew that it was no dream. The most amazing man had spent the night with him and he rolled over and smelled the pillow and closed his eyes and remembered the details of the night. How he delighted in the man's body Johnny was all man, not the scrawny book worms and geeks he normally dated men with IQ's as broad as the Brooklyn Bridge but as dull as wood when it came to sex they wanted everything done to them and after they gave a few cursory minutes of attention to you they jerked off cleaned up and remembered they had a paper or an article to write and would soon be out the door and who knows where. John was a man he enjoyed the time Carson explored his body, he even joked where he would plant his flag marking this his land, John loved it and grabbed him and kissed him every chance he could get , it did not matter if he was licking the inside of his thighs to Johns moans he called him to come up so he could taste his sweet lips. Carson was in heaven all his life he waited for a man like John, smooth, sexy, smart, seductive, strong, passionate, slow patient and eager to learn and what Carson did to him he jumped right in and did the same. Johns body was a temple and Carson was worshiping every lean hard inch he became so aroused as he stroked the rock hard ass cheeks and John slowly opened up for him, something he did not imagine the big sexy virgin to seek the desire of such intimacy. Carson only ever entered the men he had multi year relationships with it was an intimacy that was shared only for those in love, when he gently stroked the beautiful folds of tan skin and John moaned louder than he had all evening, Carson was ever so gentle with his lovers virgin ass. He assured John that there was no way he would ever attempt to enter him but he felt that when the time came they would both be ready and willing, after that he took the tip of his tongue and circled the hard cheeks drawing a tighter and tighter circle until he hit the very center and then he sucked hard enough to raise the skin to a small hickey then he ran his tongue over the slightly more sensitive spot causing John to arch his back and let out the most passionate moan Carson ever heard. "Do you like that my love?" He teased. John just shaked his entire body in both the sexual pleasure and in avid agreement. When he could speak he said "Cary baby you are waking me up for the first time and I love you for everything you are doing to me, I hope someday with your help I can please you as much as you are pleasing me tonight!" He gasped. and fell down to the pillow. Carson knew that this was the real thing there was no pretending and waiting to shoot a load and be gone, here is a real man who loves being loved and wants to love back with all his heart. Carson could not control himself and rolled on top and turned Johns beautiful face to his, tears falling and landing on Johns cheeks. "Oh Baby please don't cry I want you to be as much in heaven as I am, God answered my prayers when I picked up that call from Harriman that day!" Carson could not stop looking and crying Johnny held him tighter till Carson fell asleep in his lovers arm, feeling that this time God was on his side for the first time. Last night was no dream because he heard his love enjoying himself downstairs and Carson snuggled into his pillow and fell asleep again, happier than he had ever felt.

A few miles from the lovers realizing what a gift they have been given. A brilliant Charcoal Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet, was taking every turn like it was glued to the road hitting impossible speeds as it flew to the small beach town. Harriman was not in a good mood he was trying Johnny's burner cell all night and that son of a bitch did not answer. The 911 purred as it slowed down the gravel drive, I better have this paved if I don't those mother fucking rocks will scratch my baby, Harriman was home.

When he finished the eggs and the fruit he set the table with all the style the home could offer, when he was content he went upstairs to the master bedroom, and kissed Carson on the back of his neck and woke him up. Carson purred as the big man gently brushed his lips on the tender skin. Very soon there was a disturbance to this domestic bliss. Johnny heard the front door open and he was sure it locked it last night. He Heard his named shouted from the foyer. "Johnny where are you? what the hell is going on here, Harriman shut off the sound system, what is this a special breakfast, I don't recall us treating kidnap victims in such luxury Harriman slugged down the juice and gobbled up the eggs florentine. Johnny where the fuck are you?Harriman shouted throughout the beach house. Johnny told Carson to get dressed and get into the hall bedroom, quickly. Harriman opened the french doors and went outside to see if this luxury repast was going to be eaten on his deck. Once he saw no sign of the men he ran up the main staircase, He burst open the master bedroom and there was Johnny wearing his robe.The bed was messed up and Harriman was not pleased "I told you to leave the master bedroom alone Johnny that is where I fucking sleep and now you are wearing my goddamn robe. A six hundred dollar robe I might add, where is the boy? Harriman asked hoping he was in one of the smaller guest rooms. Boss he is down here, just this room, Johnny said. " You fucking idiot you don't put a kidnap victim in my best sea view room, what the hell is the matter with you the sofa would have been fine!" Are you losing your mother fucking mind? this is a safe house MY HOUSE not a fucking country club." "I am sorry Harriman it seemed like I had run of the beach house till you told me what to do?" "OK I am telling you what to do now, the kid ain't worth shit he is from a small town in Colorado his family has nothing Lenny spit and we have no idea where he is. So waste the kid make it look like an accident, somewhere the body might wash up decayed and worthless. Take my boat and send him out a few hundred miles and let him be shark bait, this has gone on long enough we never grabbed the hacker and now the Chinese are aware of us so make this entire nightmare go away, take my yacht and dump him out to sea, no one will find him ever, you got till noon then clean up this fucking mess and get back to the city, Got that?" Johnny nodded yes and walked Harriman towards the door. "If you ever disrespect my house like this again you will be the next one missing, I do not care how important you are to me." Harriman shouted. " Yes sir!" Johnny responded. Once Harriman pulled out in much more excessive speed than he anticipated. Carson came out of the room, John are you going to kill me? He asked meeky. "It's you or me Carson and I don't want to die, but I do not want you to died I love you!" The big man said the words. "I love you too John! please don't kill me!" Johnny grabbed Carson in the hallway and held him tight, I am not going to kill you Fuck Harriman.

They went down to the kitchen and saw the mess Harriman made he ate all the food on the plates ate the fruit and the juice Johnny squeezed fresh. "It looked like a great breakfast, Johnny but I am ok with some coffee and a croissant. Johnny sat Carson down at the island and set his coffee and croissant down before him. "You should have seen me dancing to the salsa and making your eggs florentine I was so happy, Carson you have showed me what love is and no one is taking that away from us, Fuck Harriman!" He said adamantly. "Johnny how about we run away somewhere he will never find us and have a happily life in a small town! Carson pleaded. "Cary you don't know Harriman he will search all over the planet for someone that has a story on him. Johnny sighed. "Let's tell the cops what he did I am sure that they would want to know what a bastard he is?" Carson questioned. "Baby he has more wicked cops on his payroll than there are honest ones, he plies them with things the never could afford on a cops salary! and besides how will it look that I kidnapped the man I am in love with how did Harriman plan that?" Johnny please help, me I love you and I have waited my entire life for you I do want to die now that I found you." Carson you spent summers on the east coast most of your life what do you know about boats?" We can't steal it they have all kinds of radar and serial numbers that identify a boat!" That's right they know who and what each boat belongs to what if we blow up the yacht and sink it they will not find any bodies so they can't identify us." That is a brilliant plan he said to take the yacht out and I am sure he told the harbor master that 2 men will be going on a fishing trip." The only thing we can not do is take the life rafts, they have to be destroyed with the boat so it looks like we went overboard and drowned. I have an idea, let's look in the pool shed, I bet they are floaties and they are the kind of thing no one pays attention to we can cause an explosion on the yacht and make sure it sinks and we can ride the floaties into the shore and get off somewhere up the coast so no one spots us and we are home free," I love this Idea, John could you fit into a small town out west like Kansas? "Carson I could make a home anywhere with you, maybe I can open a little cafe, I love to cook and we can have a nice life. I have a safety deposit box in Trenton with about 475.000 I have been saving for a rainy day, just didn't know I would get swamped.

The men made sure the beach house was spotless, all the clothes that Carson borrowed we neatly folded and returned to the closets, the kitchen was immaculate and Johnny tossed the bottles of wine out into the ocean. They packed up the black range rover and made a pit stop at the local deli, grabbing sandwiches and beer tying to look like 2 guys out for spin in the warm April day. When they got to the marina the dock master was eager to let the men out on the boat he had heard from Harriman to set them up for a days enjoyment, on his yacht, he could not be more accomodating the fuel tanks were filled so he said the had plenty to go as far as they felt and still have more than enough to get back in. The harbormaster was very apologetic that they was no staff to help them on their journey, but Mr Harriman was clear that the staff was enjoying a must needed rest, so the gentleman would have to rough it. The Harriman yacht was anything but roughing it, the yacht was outfitted with every bell and whistle that Harrimans ill gotten gains could afford.

Both men played up the hick act of being allowed on such a splendid sea faring vessel, they yucked it up at how fancey it was and soon they motored the boat out of the dock and were heading for open Water Carson knew his way around the boat although it had so much for their needs they just needed to throttle and get her a safe distance from the shore The yacht had everything, if they men wanted to take the boat across the sea to Europe they could. "If one of us has to dies it's sad it has to be the yacht but I am glad its not me." Johnny asked the inevitable question when they were out on the open sea with not a vessel for miles. "So Carson what's the cost of this thing? Carson did not miss a beat "3.5 million dollars, maybe more with all the bells and whistles. Carson said the way to kill this beast is to open up one of the fuel lines and shoot the signal flare. At the open fuel line, Carson reached for the signal flare and aimed it for the fuel line. Will it blow up are we in danger? Johnny was white faced." "No the fuel will begin to burn slowly and then everything that is flammable will begin to burn once it gets to the main motors and the supply of fuel she will blow up into a million pieces and they will see it from the shore, we will be of floating for a few miles away caught in the Gulf stream current and heading safely towards the north, eventually we will hit sure someplace south of Nova Scotia."

From down below in the saloon was a voice all to familiar "Sounds like a well thought out plot, all except blowing up my fucking yacht, I told you to waste the kid now enough of this 'we' bullshit I want him gone or you go first and he follows. Harriman was on board the entire time listening to the plot with more than a little admiration for the kid, it as a fool proof idea kill the yacht and there are no survivors all except me and my baby he thought. "Gotta hand it to you kid this was a brilliant idea I would never go looking for bodies after my yacht blew to hell, it's a shame we have no use for you with our little group, see my Johnny he plays the nice guy but ask him how many people he killed for me last year alone, go on kid ask him!" Harriman demanded. "Cary no don't ask me if this is how you will remember me not like this, remember last night and what we did and said, that is what I want you to always have of me, give me the fucking gun Harriman I know you have it hand it over you never like the smell of a gun after the body is twitching at my fucking feet. Johnny took the steps down to the saloon. I have one request thats all keep the fucking money for the hit, just go lock yourself up in one of your fancy bedrooms, I have business with the kid, don't come out till I tell you to!" Johnny was furious that their plan was shot to hell and there was only one way out for them now he had to kill the man that saved his own life and became the only man he had ever loved. "Johnny you better learn some class, I bet your new little friend knows what a fancy bedroom on a yacht is called. huh kid? " Harriman was just so happy busting balls. "Yes its a stateroom and my last request is you go lock yourself in one till you hear the gunshot then you can come and watch my cold dead body attracting sharks, now go get the hell out of here you scumbag piece of shit!" Carson no longer held back he has minutes to live and at the hand of the man that brought so much happiness to his life. Harriman laughed "Shit kid I didn't know you had the brass balls to talk to me like that!" Then he turned and headed for his stateroom Johnny was right Harriman hated to be near any murder, he could call for them all day but never had the guts to watch, once they heard his door shut. "Cary I am in no rush to kill you I LOVE YOU and that little fuck can never change that, I have a thought we can still do our plan only that little prick knows of our plan and if we blow the fucking yacht up with him on it there is one less bastard in the world, all we need to do is make sure he can't get out of that room, you have a plan? Johnny grabbed Carson tight. "Well we have one advantage all stateroom doors must open out so if a passenger falls and hits their head someone can enter the room, it the same on every ocean going vessel I have been on so this is no exception we can lock that weasel in his own stateroom with no way out but the window and I bet that little fuck can't swim."

"What about the balcony?" Johnny asked. "Knowing what little I know of his tiny brain and huge ego its private with no escape he can't even climb over its a sheer drop to the sea and he is not one to get his linen trousers wet, once we block the door we have the rat trapped." Carson was able to breathe again. Both men went down to the saloon and saw that most of the furniture was built in but there was a sideboard a big heavy thing that was not part of the original furniture so the pushed it into place, it took both men all their strength but they locked in the bastard. From inside the room he heard some of the noise but could not open his door he was panicking and slamming on the door. "You think I don't have guns in here, I could blast that door too bits in second if you don't open it." The men could hear the fear and almost imagined it soured his expensive cologne. shortly they started to hear the gunshots but blasting through a solid mahogany door was not going to happen short of a rocket launcher. "Ok John you are in this with me 100% no doubts?" "Cary do you even have to ask?" with that Johnny pointed the gun he took from Harriman much more powerful than the flare gun they had planned to use. "Ok hit the fuel line that will blow the line then we shoot the flare and the flames will start, it will give us plenty of time to get the hell off this 3 million dollar death trap." Carson said, sweating at the thought of what he was about to do he had never planned the death of another man before in his life and now he was setting it all up.

Johnny grabbed a bottle of exceptionally good champagne. "Don't they waste one of these when a baby like this is born?" He popped the cork. "Then its fitting we have some now before we sink the son of a bitch!" He laughed a hearty laugh at the prospect of freedom from the little bastard that has made his life hell the last 10 years, and to the man he never knew he wanted, but wanted more than his own life.

They each took a few swigs of the champagne and Johnny pointed the gun where his lover told him and the blast sent diesel fuel everywhere and he handed the flare gun to Carson. "To your first kill, and may it be your last, my love!" Carson took the gun gladly and fired. The sparks hit the fuel and as planned the fire grew rapidly. The last thing the men remember hearing as they jumped into the warmer gulfstream water was the gunshots coming from the saloon. Once they paddled far away from the now quickly burning vessel. "Come on John we can't get far enough when this son of a bitch explodes and its a matter of time." "Right with you love!" after about 45 minutes of paddling did they feel they were far enough the explosion was as bright as the sun for a few seconds, and just like that what started as an accidental kidnaping became the first murder the couple ever did together.

But anything more is for another story yet written.

As they stood on the shore of some rocky beach somewhere between Maine and Nova Scotia "I hope we are in Maine it could be a problem if we are in Nova Scotia without papers?" Carson asked.

"Darlin you're with me now you never have to worry about stuff like that again, how did it feel your first kill?" Johnny teased.

"I kind of liked it, and you can call me darlin 24/7 by they way just how many people did your kill last year?"

"You want to know? really want to know do you, or would you rather kiss your lover, come here and shut up!"

Carson now known as Cary leaned in and passionately kissed John formally known as Johnny.

tony scarpa 4/5/2019

what really happens in an accidental kidnapping


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Apr 05, 2019

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