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My gifts, my talents, my loves are the seeds

Although sometimes they fall on barren soil

The seeds must seek the soil to grow.

Soil can change constantly, seeds must remain the same

The soil needs the seed much, less than the seed needs the soil

But growth will not occur without them both

My life will always be a spreading of seeds

That fall on many different types of soil

Destiny with my help, will provide the fertile soil

I must seek the soil, the soil never seeks the seed

Four growth, success, many seeds will have to be sown

Before harvest is collected

Time is not relevant in the scope of destiny

There are no guarantees that any seeds will ever flourish

But I will never know without constantly spreading

And never giving up!

The faith that growth and success, will come must never be shaken

One must not take it personally that a seed falls on barren ground

Continue to spread till the conditions are proper for growth

Keep spreading the seeds throughout your life

Each patch of soil will produce something wonderful

Not every seedling will thrive

Relish the power that created it, allowed it to grow, that in itself is magic

Continue to spread the Love, Talent, Gifts

They will return to you in abundance

Always allow others room to grow there is room for all to share

The soil belongs to every spirit, give them the opportunity

They may have seeds to broadcast on their own

Magic and Wonder, are not gifts that are given for free

But rewards for work well done!

Those who cry that there are no Miracles left

Are not working to create them, or don’t believe they can

I have been blessed with being a part of many Miracles

I can only work harder At making more

The speed I choose to set is between God and myself

To work within the parameters set up by my destiny

I have the power to change my destiny for the positive.

By owning Faith, Patience, and Understanding.

To let the opportunities happen

By not stopping the spreading of seeds at any time in my life

When skies are grey and cold

I may not feel like doing it all the time

But those are the times it would do the most good

To spread them!

Time will never be wasted if I’m creating anything!

tony scarpa 6/13/2018




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