Addison Carter loathed the smell of carnations, all that he needed was a simple whiff of the scent which created this disturbing wave of physical and powerful emotional pain. Addison never understood why this flower created such chaos for him, he also never told a soul about this awkward experience. It was not like it happened often, just the rare occasions that Addison ever had to attend a wake or a funeral. As if by some unspoken protocol the rooms were often dimly lit and the temperatures always on the cooler side so the air was moving filling the space with that aroma. Obviously heat and a dead body do not mix together well.
It did not matter who the person was, be it family, friend or some random friend of a friend. When he entered the room and the oderforuis smell of carnations would become almost like a misty fog, thick and pervasive it would hit him like a hammer. His temples would begin to throb and his cheeks would heat up and his eyes would tear, always accompanied by a wave of nausea, and a tightening of his throat in essence Addison was in agony. As he grew older he created this plan which he would call his hit and run, pay a quick visit to the family of the deceased, hit and make a rapid escape, run. The amount of time was key to just how ill he would become, after a few years he began to time it so that he would be in and out before the effects of his problem would begin. This plan was not fool proof and there were times when he started to feel ill just after entering either the funeral parlor or the cemetery. One of the curious advantages of his disturbing reaction was that the attendees at every wake and funeral that Addison ever attended witnessed his distress and assumed he was just visibly shaken by the loss. Many felt that he was just a highly emotional young man, at times a few were surprised by his reactions. "Such a handsome young man and so very caring, look at how the loss has affected him? He hardly knew Aunt Ida."
When in reality he was not emotionally connected to many of the losses at all, even more so when he did not even know the person who might have passed.
Addison tried to avoid all wakes and funerals when he could, often feigning illness. His mother Allyson Carter, tried to push him to attend when it was a family member and even if it was someone that the family might have casually known. Since the Carter family was quite large it seemed there was always someone dying. Amazingly in the last 6 months he was able to dodge any wakes and funerals, and he no longer suffered from any of the symptoms. Addison was feeling good and healthy and there was not a headache or feverish spell, or nausea and no pain, he was happy. The energy that surrounded the young man was one of ease and a level of peace that was always the rare treat when his luck would keep him away from the offending flower.
Addison was tall he stood at a very lanky 6' 3" in height, it seems being born a Carter and living in the south if you grew tall you had to play basketball. For Addison he held no passion or desire for the game, it did not stop the tall jokes that the 19 year old had to deal with most of his life. "Hey Carter how's the weather up there?" Or the classic "Hey you are really tall, play basketball?" Addison would shrug his shoulders and say "Hey you are kinda short, play miniature golf?" This would most often provoke anyone who was not used to his dry sense of humor and yes there were fights simply because he was tall, most people assumed that the blood never quite made it all the way to his brain. He was blessed with a mane of always tousled very dark brown hair and the most arresting pale green eyes. Addison was a good looking young man, if you could get past his height.
When Ogden Carter passed, he left a very young Allyson and an infant Addison nothing but a huge surprise. The money he had invested for others was mysteriously gone from the Fund he created and what was left was scandal and lots of debt. Shortly after Ogden's funeral Allyson was informed that the car she drove as well as the house they lived in were to be sold to pay back a small portion of the debt that Ogden created. Being a Carter and living in Georgia she assumed that his family would come to their rescue but the incident of Ogden stealing all his clients money was just too much of a scandal for the bulk of the Carters and immediately many turned their backs to Allyson and her young son. They used the excuse that Ogden poached from the family fishing ponds, and that they all had friends who were personally affected by his theft. It was at this time old Clovis Carter stepped in and came to their aid. Clovis was one of the original Carter sisters, blood so blue it fell somewhere between indigo and cobalt. She was a tough old bird, never married and never worked a day in her life, Clovis was a creature of the old south. A place where you judged a woman by the merits of her garden and the work she did for the disadvantaged, and coming from the Carter bloodline just about everyone else was less than and needed something. Clovis was active and on the board at the hospital, the library and the local schools, besides the very generous endowments she gave to each. When she heard of Allyson and Addison being left homeless and destitute, by her kin Ogden a man she never much liked, or trusted she always felt his eyes where too close together. "Never trust a man whose eyes are too close together, even if they are related to you!" Was one of the comments Clovis said after she heard about the scandal. Within a week she sent her man, Randolph to make sure that all of the possessions that Allyson and Addison owned were brought to her stately home in Buckhead on Pinestream Road.
"My dear girl, I want you to feel completely at home here, as from now on this will be your home, as well as that delightful youngster, live here as if I were your very own mother." Clovis extended her arms out to the tearful Allyson. "Miss Clovis, I do not know how I can ever repay you for your kindness, we are just so grateful, you have no idea." Allyson cried, in the older woman's arms "My girl I have a very clear idea that my family all turned their backs to you at this awful time in your life, but truly understand that although my name is Carter, that in no way reflects the opinions of the idiots that I call my kin!" That was 17 years ago and true to her word old Miss Clovis Carter made both Allyson and Addison feel as if her home was truly their own, Addison knew of no other that the house on Pinestream Road.
In time the entire Carter family came around and forgave the widow of their own blood for his evil deeds as they were all gentilly shoved by Miss Clovis.
Junes in Atlanta are hot and humid, yet the shaded glens and gardens at the old home were often the most comfortable place anyone would want to spend their time. This afternoon Addison came home to find his mother and Aunt Clovis sitting out on the brick terrace sorting the mail and laying out the catalogues of colleges that they were considering for the young man. At 19 he should have been enrolled in one of the prestigious universities that the women were selecting. Addison had a very rough patch when he was about 7 and had to repeat a year at school, so at 19 he was the oldest boy in his graduating class.
"Hello Mother and Aunt Clo, how are you both feeling today? it really is a fantastic day?" He said as he approached the two women that were the key players in his life.
He bent down low to kiss his mothers exposed cheek and his Aunt Clovis as well.
"Darling it is that, Clovis and I are debating just where we shall send you, I would like you to attend Duke that is were I went and Aunt Clovis wants you at Vanderbilt where her father was an alumni, we seem to be at odds." Allyson said to her son.
"I swear Ally this boy gets more handsome each day, and I do believe that we donated a building to Vanderbilt either a theater or a library I can't remember which, do you suppose that would bother you Addy, if there was a Carter Library or theater?" Clovis asked the boy.
He lowered himself into one of the white wrought iron chairs and sank into the cushion draping his long legs over the arm, with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Why would it bother me, Aunt Clo, doesn't every family have library or theater named after them?" He laughed.
"Don't you get fresh with me young man." She scolded.
"I am sorry Ma'am, you know I was just joshing with you, no it would not bother me one bit but I know for sure that I would tell anyone that it is named after another Carter, and not me don't you think I get enough guff from just being in the stratosphere, I don't need people goofing on me being one of THOSE Carters." The boy sighed.
"Clovis, can imagine our boy is not one of those Carter's its like he is embarrassed or something about his own name!" His Mother chided.
"Mom come on you know that for years we distanced ourselves from the rest of the family, I do not feel like one of those Carter's and if my cousins are right quick to shove their name in everyone's faces, you know that I am not, if it wasn't for Aunt Clo we would not be Carter's at all." Addison exclaimed.
" Well Mr. Addison Carter, it's a darn shame that you are embarrassed to hold one of the proudest, oldest names in the south, I suppose it is my fault I did talk down most of my relations for so many years, that may have soured you a bit, but if we exclude the simpletons that are waving the grand name of Carter around the last 50 years our family has been rich in the history of this city and this state for well over 275 years, and I never want to hear it spoken as if its a curse." The old woman said.
"Clovis the boy is not disrespecting the name of Carter, but do you believe that he has no reason to wish to disassociate with the rest of the Carter's, after what they have done to us for all those years, shunning and cold shoulders, why if it were not for you, they would have seen us living in some rented room somewhere, broke and without any hope for the future, the grand old name of Carter can cast one evil spell upon those it does not deem fitting of the name!" Said Allyson.
"My dear you do not need to remind me of the failings of my own family, and yes they are a shifty bunch, but now we have eased the great divide and have once again gotten into the good graces of the rest of my useless family." Clovis laughed.
"Aunt Clo that is just what I am talking about you run them down for the rotten bastards that they truly are and then want me to feel proud to be a Carter? Come on that is not fair!" exclaimed the young man.
"Addison language!" said his mother.
"Indeed!" Agreed Clovis.
"I am sorry, but what else can I say about the closest family we have, they have been just plain horrible to us, for so long?" He sighed.
"So do you have an opinion about which school you would like to attend?" His Mother asked.
"Do you both really want the truth? because if I have any say in the matter, I would like to take some time and not rush into school, but travel and learn about the world a bit before I am back stuck in a room listening to others describe the world they have seen and done things in!" Addison said testing the waters.
"Did I just hear you correctly?" Clovis asked the young man.
"I am pretty sure that we both have misunderstood what he just said Clo, it sounds like he wants to goof off for a few years and fall even further behind in his education than, even try to catch up with his peers. No, I can safely say for both of us and I am sure that you agree unilaterally that it is not an option, this man is going to school in the fall if we have to break both of his legs to get him there!" Allyson stated clearly.
"Lord have mercy then why do you even care what I have to say, if you two are just going to shoot me down, why the hell do I even have an opinion? He stood up and raised his voice at the two women.
"Hold it a minute Addy, I did not disagree with what you said, I just need to understand what you plan on doing, college is not for everyone and I am sure that your mother would agree on that point, and trust me we are not going to force you to attend university, it would be lovely if you wanted to become something, other than a world traveller, but in your defense in my day it was not unheard of to have a tour of Europe right after graduation and experience life as you call it, and then settle down to school."
"Clovis you are agreeing with this lunatic? please tell me that you want him in school as soon as possible? Allyson pleaded, somewhat surprised.
"Wow! the two of you can't even agree on what I should do, you know what? once you both get a clear vision on how I am to live my life, feel free to inform me of just what the hell you both want me to do!" Addison yelled as he turned and went into the house.
"You know Clovis I did not expect that from you, I thought we have been discussing schools the last few weeks because you wanted to see Addy become something and not loaf his life away, besides if it were not for your good graces he would not even have an option of the schools we are discussing, how will he support himself if he does not attend school? please tell me that you will not fund his European adventure?" The younger woman questioned.
"Allyson you asked the boy what he wanted and then shot him down once he said just how he wished to see his future unfold, and yes you know that I will offer financial support whichever direction he intends to go, I am an old woman and I have seen when we force an issue no good every comes of it, if Addy does not feel he is ready for school, maybe we should hear him out and listen to just what his vision is before we say no, I am curious as to just what he wants to see and where he intends to go, we should at least hear him out on that!" Clovis voiced her true feelings.
"Clo, I am in shock that you would entertain this direction for Addison, he needs structure we both know that, if we allow him to flounder he will never go to school and he will become a bum, and fight us every time we bring up school, we both know that he has always had to struggle a bit harder than his classmates, his life was not the stuff of story books, just having to live either up to the Carter name or down to the scandal of his own father, has been so hard on him, he gives off this easy going vibe but he fights all the time, his therapist was 100% on board with his going right into a very good school, if we do not follow up on that I am not sure why you have even paid for his therapy all these years?" Allyson threw her hands over her eyes and began to sob.
"There, there Ally, don't fret so, we have just started this conversation it is not a finished topic, if his therapist feels that school would be the best fit for Addy we will try and convince him of that, you know I love that boy as if he were my own child, and he will never become a bum, not as long as I have air in my lungs, calm down my dear, let the boy have his say we owe him that much, but as you know we have the veto power and have clearer heads and sharper minds he will bend to our will, you know that, Addy is and has always been a good boy, let us give him benefit of the doubt!" Clovis said empathically.
"Yes you are right, I am sorry, it just came out of nowhere this wanderlust we have always just assumed that Addy would jump right on board with whatever we suggested, either he is growing up too fast or we are just getting too old."
"Speak for yourself sugar, I am just getting started!" Clovis lit up a great big smile to lighten up the tension.
"Yes you are!" Ally laughed and the two women knew that no matter what Addy wanted he would bend to their wishes, just as he always had.
"Jasper where are you?" Addison said into his phone.
"Just walking up your driveway, why did your plan, not go as smooth as you wanted, come on Addy did you think that they would be 100% on board with you surfing the world or whatever your plan actually is? Jasper laughed.
"You are such a dickhead!" Addy said to his best friend.
"Right back at you numb nuts!" Jasper responded as he clicked off the call.
Jasper and Addison had been friends since kindergarten, it was a huge benefit that they both lived on Pinestream Road. Play dates were easily arranged. Allyson took a liking to the red headed boy the moment she realized that his mother had passed when he was 4 and he was raised by his father one of the premier pediatric cardiologists on the east coast, but never really raised by him more like supervised nanny conferences. Jasper knew very little about who his father really was, since he was so seldom home but working all the time, his nanny was his true parental figure. Jasper was lucky to have Miss Fenn, she was with him right after his mother died from the aggressive ovarian cancer that even her husbands connections to the best oncologists and surgeons, had at his beckon call. For 14 of his 18 years she was the one who blew out the birthday candles, wrapped his Christmas gifts, drove him to every lacrosse practice and game he played in. On rare occasions Whitley Gardner we there to watch his son win games but Miss Fenn was always there and could be counted on to make sure that every facet of Jaspers life was full and had value. She was more than an employee and she was paid handsomely, Whitley did not or could not imagine life without Miss Fenn, and more importantly Jasper leaned on the woman as if she where his real mother. When there were family trips planned for many of the holidays, it was Miss Fenn who was the one who said she would be there and was, so often the phone call came from Mr. Gardner that he was unable to get away, but Miss Fenn could take Jasper anyway. It became the inside joke that she traveled all over the planet with Jasper while his father never left Georgia.
Jasper was the schools star lacrosse player, something his father was never on board with, too violent and too many chances for a head injury. That propelled Jasper to play more often, and harder than any of the other team members even Addison, if Mr. Gardner disapproved, Jasper would embrace it. It was Jasper that convinced the coach to let Addy play lacrosse, everyone said he was too tall to flow with the rest of the team, but Addison was proud and played harder and more intense than the rest of the team, Jasper and Addy were the two who won most games. The two best friends were formidable and both had something to prove. It was also Jasper that got Addy involved in shooting, another frowned upon action by Whitley Gardner. " Don't you understand that from my perspective hunting and shooting go against everything that I believe, I dedicate my life to saving lives and my son shoots things dead, don't you see the irony in that?" Dr. Gardner pleaded with his son. This comment and many more just like it only created more of a passion for Jasper to shoot and shoot well, in no time he had Addison shooting, much to the chagrin of Allyson Carter, but Miss Clovis thought that hunting and shooting were part of the education of a southern gentleman so she embraced the boys hobby and was the one who always supported their hunting weekends and footed the bill for the best guides and most comfortable accommodations. she was proud of both young men that they held such strong convictions to things that were in her mind just very southern.
"Allyson in my day every young gentleman rode and hunted it was just the way, it taught them skills that would always be excellent to know when they went into the business world." Clovis would state often.
"Yes but Clovis this is not the old south, it is not the way any longer, I do not feel comfortable with the boys owning so many firearms, it makes me nervous!" Was the general comment from Ally.
"Oh hush you would think that you came from New York or some other god forsaken place, do not forget your own roots my dear, shooting teaches the boys discipline and respect for all of god's creatures, besides I have a gun under my own pillow ever since I was a young woman." Miss Clovis Carter boasted.
"Clovis you are not helping me out here! just why do you have a gun? dear me that is just so very dangerous, what is wrong with you?" Ally pleaded.
"There is nothing wrong with me, when I was a young girl our father taught all the Carter women how to handle a pistol, it was just commonsense and I still believe that it is, I rest my head easily on my pillow at night, can you say the same thing?"
"Dear Lord Clovis you surprise me everyday, what else did you fail to share the old cannon out by the barn? Asked Allyson with a snicker.
"Dear girl you may never know everything that I have up my sleeve!"
Jasper was such a fixture at the Carter home he just entered the front door and would head right for the kitchen and up the back staircase to Addison's room.
Randolph and June were used to seeing the redhead shoot by as they were either polishing the silver or preparing the families meals. Often just saying "Hello Jasper." as he would dart up the stairs. always with a "Hello Mr. R and Miss June." shouted from the top landing.
Today was no different but an 18 year old Jasper no longer ran through the kitchen and up the stairs he would stop and stick his nose into whatever June was cooking knowing that she would always offer the young man a taste.
"Lord Miss June if our Camillia knew how to cook as well as you I would be one fat man."
"Ok Jasper get out of my kitchen, why I even entertain your sass I have no idea." June laughed and swiped him with the large wooden spoon she was mixing her pie filling with.
"You wait Miss June when I have my own place I am stealing you right from under Miss Clovis's nose." he laughed as he ducked her spoon an went to the staircase.
"Hey dickhead you coming down or am I going up?" He shouted up the staircase.
"Jasper will you watch your mouth if Miss Clovis was here she would give you such a wallop!" June said.
"Fart breath come up here, we have to talk!" Shouted Addy from the top of the stairs.
"Did you bring your rifle? we need to shoot some stuff!" He added.
"No I will just use one of yours, you did not mention bringing a gun in your text moron!" Jasper responded as he started up the stairs.
When Jasper got to the top Addison was waiting and Jasper ran and head butted him in the stomach and Addy fell over and soon the two young men were wrestling and throwing each other all over the hall.
"You all better just stop that before Miss Clovis gets back into this house, she will pitch a fit, all that noise and you two acting like you are 7 years old instead of well bred young men." June shouted from the base of the staircase.
"We are not well bred young men Miss June we are wild animals, and just fit to be tied, besides Aunt Clo is still outside with mother planning how to ruin my life!"
He shouted towards the stairs as he and Jasper each tossed each other against the walls and the floor.
"Besides Aunt Clo never uses the back staircase so for the moment we are just wild things and completely out of control." He gasped for breath and Jasper who had the weight advantage tossed him hard on the floor.
"Ouch you son of a bitch witches tit mother!" Addy shouted as he grabbed Jasper by his ankles and pulled him down with another loud crash.
"If you all don't stop that I will be telling Miss Ally and Miss Clovis that you two belong in a barn and not a well respected southern home." June was no longer amused by the boys horsing around upstairs.
"Truse?" Addy asked.
"Truse you son of whore, mighty dick head king of the asses!" Jasper said.
Both young men got up from the floor and smacked each other on the back of the head and went into Addison's room.
"Ok so what really happened?" Jasper asked as he sat at Addy's desk.
"Dude, they will not even let me speak about not going to college, its as if I blew a gasket or something, Mom, shut me right down and Aunt Clo, was kind of open to me taking some down time, but you know my mother she will lean on Aunt Clo a bit hitting her with the son of a widow story one who needs discipline and all that nonsense, but you know Aunt Clo she is nobodies push over, as much as she loves my mother like a daughter, she is still hard as nails when it comes to giving in to me." He boasted, partially because it was the truth, Aunt Clo fell in love with him the day they moved in and was always on his side against his mothers more serious and maternal side, Aunt Clo was more realistic, she never even got married let alone had kids and she "got" him, he was also her pride and joy. Mostly he could do no wrong in Aunt Clo's eyes. The only thing he had to be aware of was not making a big deal and disrespecting the Carter name, she was and he was a Carter after all, his mother was only a Carter by marriage she did not have the Carter blood line, Addison did. It was only natural that Aunt Clo eased up on him, and spoiled him a bit she had it all arranged that when she passed he would inherit the money and the house, his mother would get a trust to live on the rest of her life but the true wealth would pass down to Addison.
This was a truth that both boys had to understand from a very young age that being the only son of wealthy families they needed to learn that they had to hold themselves to a higher standard than most of their friends. Both young men knew that when the time came they would be rich by most people's standards and that with that came a level of responsibility that was also very important. It was another of the many small details that helped the boys bond as brothers since they both had no one else that really could understand the life they would someday inherit. Most of their friends came from wealth but when the time came it was doubtful they would inherit as much as Jasper and Addison, since there was no one to divide the vast amounts of stock, property, cash and the family homes. The Carter home had remained in the family every generation since it was first built in the 1800's. The Gardeners though new to Buckhead were not new to Atlanta and Jaspers family had lived in his home since before his grandfather's time. Both boys knew that each home would become their family home when they married, and had kids. Again not something many of their friends could understand. Sure there was vast wealth in Buckhead and some of their friends have even more elaborate homes than the boys but inheritance was something that you took quite seriously in the south.
"Ok so she did not take it like you wished, you have to work your Aunt to turn your mother around, I get where your mother is coming from she is concerned and she is afraid that if you do not get an education you will just ride the gravy train and not add to the Carter fortune but just be a drain and pull from it and like I said before surf the world." Jasper exclaimed.
"Come on Jasp, you know that I am not thinking that far ahead, look at the mess my father made and he went the college and business route, you would think my Mom would understand that I just need some down time, I never said that I was not going to go to university, just not right now. So how does your Father feel about you taking that lacrosse scholarship to Clemson? I am sure as shit that is not what he wanted for you, so how is old Whitley handling this?" Addison asked.
"Funny you should ask about that the old man wants to have a heart to heart tonight, he left me a note this morning, he is probably bursting cranial arteries right now. You know how he feels about lacrosse he fucking hates it, which is why I jumped at Clemson, they promised me a starter position for every game, he does not even know all the details, dude I am lucky if I see him for 10 minutes a day, but you and I know that he does not even like Clemson he wanted me to go to his alma mater Washington and Lee, he is probably thinking of 12 ways till Tuesday to talk me out of the Clemson deal, you know me bud he can not get into my head ever, and unlike you I have no Aunt Clovis in my corner, but I can bust his balls every day and think nothing of it, come on dude everything he honors and respects I piss on."
Jasper boasted, but all comments were based on truth.
"Dude you do bust your Dad's balls all the time, he hates lacrosse you become the state's best player, he hates hunting and you have a fucking gun collection, he wants you at Wash and Lee and you get a free ride to Clemson, yeah you are the fucking kid he wished he never had!" Addy laughed. Jasper however did not find it as amusing.
"Fuck you pussy boy, I have worked my ass off to get everything I have now, no one handed me anything, unlike you the big whiny girl who complains about having your Aunt foot your college bill and you turn your pretty little nose up at it, you really are a dipstick!" Jasper was pissed.
"Fuck you right back you motherless toad, I am not whining about anything and so what if Aunt Clo is footing the bill the money is mine anyway, so it's not like I am not paying for school, no one came licking my ass with a scholarship free ride, sometimes I wonder why the hell I even keep you around?" Addy yelled.
"Seriously no one else will put up with your baby whining and complaining, wah I have a mother who loves me too much and an Aunt who worships me, Wah my big bad daddy stole everyones money whah, I am a 7' tall giraffe asshole, and I have only one excellent friend in the entire world are such a hairless ball sac! grow a fucking set will you, or is your pussy too pretty for you to give up?" Jasper poked him in the ribs as he said it.
"Lick my pussy you fuck head, jealous, because you have a tiny prick? which is the joke of the entire school, look he carries his lacrosse stick all the time to make up for his lack of cock!..and you would love to fuck my pussy... since you fucking never shower no girl will let you near her, look its tiny prick stinky Jasperation!"
"Bite me!" Jasper said calmly.
"I would but I would need a tweezer to find it!" Addy laughed.
"Can we go shooting now?" Jasper asked, obviously they had played this game before, and as much as they liked it they both realised it got old quick.
"Sure Bud what do you want, let me get the key to the gun cabinet, pistol, or rifle?" Addison went to the locked cabinet and unlocked the door.
"Let me look I am not sure, since we are both up to our balls in bullshit, I want something that will blow off some steam before I have to talk with Whitley later."
"K- just grab what you want, I am taking a pistol, I am too wired for a rifle."
"Not me I want something that is going to fight back!" Jasper sighed.
They each grabbed the gun of choice and all the ammo they wanted and Addy locked up the case, it was just habit, not that anyone in the home would ever go near it part of being a responsible gun collector was to just lock it up all the time.
They were headed for the stairs when it happened.
The smell of carnations so dense and thick it hit Addison like a wave and his eyes went black and he collapsed at the top of the stairs, Jasper was not expecting this to happen so he did not have the second that he needed to stop Addy from falling down the stairs, It was as if it had happened in slow motion Jasper called out
"Addddyyyy!" as Addison fell from the top of the tall staircase, his body folded and he began rolling and falling and tumbling at the same time, he dropped the pistol and the ammo and they tumbled down the stairs with Addison, creating a metallic ringing as they hit step after step it was impossible to determine where he hit his head but the blood was soon everywhere, his bones cracked as he landed full weight on his shin in mid fall, he was unconscious as his body took the full assault of gravity versus the hard wooden steps. Jasper was helpless he could not stop the body that was tumbling ahead of him he reached for Addy but Addy was already down 4 steps and building speed as he fell. When the slow motion felt as if it stopped Addison was a heap at the base of the stairs, bloody and broken. Jasper ran down as fast as he could but he slipped on a bloody step and he fell only few feet but he landed on top of Addy's already prone body. Miss June screamed and the sound of her shriek called to all members of the household Randolph ran in from the front room, Allyson and Miss Clovis ran in from the garden. The scene that met them was a bloodbath, Jasper was able to stand without any visible wounds but Addison lay a heap of bloody clothing, a gash on his head and a leg that was displayed like a broken doll, it was bent at the most unnatural angle. Miss Clovis pushed Allyson away and screamed for Randolph to call the ambulance, her attempt to block her beloved Allyson from seeing her son so torn and mangled was not successful and Allyson shriecked loudly and faited on the spot. Jasper was right there and he caught her and slowly brought her down to the ground. Miss June continued to scream at the top of her lungs and Miss Clovis had to slap her to get her to stop.
"Everyone just stop!" Miss Clovis yelled as Randolph was speaking on the phone and giving the address. Miss June was sitting at the kitchen table unable to take her eyes of the body of Addison. Allyson was laying in a heap near the stairs and there was ammo all over the floor.
"Jasper, pick that all up before someone else falls!" Miss Clovis said firmly.
He immediately began to pick up the shells and as he picked he dropped so the sound of bouncing metal was a constant ringing. It took him a few minutes to collect all the shells and the sound of the ambulance was heard coming up the drive. Within minutes they were entering the scene, and the EMT yelled
"Do not touch him!"
"No one has!" said Miss Clovis
"Please give us some room!" said the leader of the EMT's as 3 attendants went to Addisons crumpled body and 1 attended to Allyson. She was running smelling salts, which is a nice way of saying the smell of ammonia in a small capsule, under Allyson's nose, she woke with a start took one more look at her broken son and fainted again. This time in the arms of the attendant, Meanwhile the leader of the squad had assessed the damage and they were slowly unfolding Addison from himself, they gently lifted his twisted body and dangling leg in unison and one of the attendees slid the gurney under as much of his body as possible. Jasper and Miss Clovis stood wide eyed as they went to feel for a pulse and there was one Addison was not dead he was badly broken but not dead. Randolph lead Miss June out of the kitchen and sat her down in the breakfast room, he was kind and attentive to the woman and went to get her some water. Jasper and Miss Clovis watched every move the attendants made lifting their loved one.
"Jasper call your Father, tell him what happened and have him meet the ambulance at the emergency room!"
"Randolph help the attendant with Allyson!"
She commanded everyone and everyone went along, Miss Clovis just had that air and it was who she was a woman that demanded attention and respect simply by entering a room.
They had Addison on the gurney and they were carefully getting him into the vehicle. The EMT leader had called for a back up vehicle for Allyson.
Once he was set up inside they began to close the door.
"Just wait one goddamn minute, let me up there and she lifted both arms to the attendant.
"Sorry Ma'am are you family?" The foolish attendant looked at Clovis and she said not a word but extended her arms to an attendant with more brain cells and was soon in the back of the ambulance as they slammed the doors Jasper watched with deep concern for his best friend who was more of a brother, was being hooked up to the resperapeator and they began drawing lines for IV's when the doors were closed he could only see the back of the ambulance as it pulled down the long drive the sirens were blasting.
"Yes Dad, Miss Clovis told me to call you Addison is being taken to your hospital right now, no he fainted or something at the top of the stairs and tumbled down and landed in a bloody heap, yes Miss Allyson is here they are pulling up with another ambulance now, she had fainted when she saw Addison, Dad it was awful he was so broken, yes Miss Clovis is with him, Dad I have never felt so helpless, he fell right in front of me, Yes Dad, they left about 4 minutes ago they should be there soon, Dad I feel so upset, I am so scared. Yes they have him hooked up to all sorts of stuff, Dad listen to me I am going to lose it Dad? Dad? " Jasper dropped the now silent phone and sat down on the grass and began to shake and tremble and soon he was a man lost in the fear and anxiety of a 6 year old boy, he sobbed and held himself as he wept, he was all alone, the second ambulance left and Randolph and Miss June had just driven after it. Jasper cried and was unable to stop, did he cry for Addison or were the tears for himself? It did not matter Jasper lay in the grass for as long as he wished until the last wave of despair and fear washed over him and he began to hiccup.
After the ambulance pulled into place Dr Gardner was telling everyone what to do, his orders were precise and direct, he paused to let Miss Clovis pass out of the way. Whitley Gardner was like all southern men, cautious of its women, they protected them to the end but knew that an old maiden lady like Miss Clovis was a force of nature and he was in awe and terrified of her as well. But he still honored her to the social position that she held and as the woman she was with the utmost respect.
"Ma'am." He said as she passed him on her way to the admitting office.
"Whitley Gardner do not Ma'am me save my young man!" That was an order.
The second ambulance pulled into its place and they wheeled Ally into the hospital. Once again Dr. Gardner began shouting orders, knowing full well that the 2 most important people to Clovis Carter were just wheeled into his hospital, it was no secret just how much money the Carter Foundation gave to this hospital, just as it did during the war of northern aggression, known to most as the Civil War. The fact that it was not named after the Carter family was a testament to all the other prestigious old southern names that were also listed as benefactors.
The hours ticked so very slowly as if time itself knew that Addison Carter must survive, that he must leave better than when he entered and that there be no permanent damage to either his beautiful head or his precious leg! Miss Clovis Carter would not allow any other options. Allyson was up and sitting in a wheelchair and both women were made to feel as comfortable as possible in the hospital administrators personal office. The dark paneled room seemed more fitting for an English manor houses study than an office, so richly was it outfitted.
" What a treat to see just how one's money is spent." Clovis said to the very agitated Allyson, who might have been awake but she was far from coherent.
Clovis stood by the chair and patted Ally's arm.
"There, there Ally you just cry and cry till your eyes are done crying, our boy will be fine, I have it all under control, I have the Lord on speed dial and when Clovis calls he picks me up right quick, we have a deal he and I, no messing with me and I will not mess with him, have faith Ally Addy will be better than new." Clovis forced a smile but even she did not believe her own words. Addison was real bad off, Dr. Gardner said that the very best ER doctors are working double time on the boy and there were a few close calls when his heart stopped for a few seconds but he is stable now, they have set his broken leg and are trying to make him as comfortable as possible but they have no way of knowing the extent of his brain injury, the cut was more than superficial when he slammed his head it cracked his skull and his brain has been swelling due to the trauma, the gash that you saw was nothing compared to the true damage that was occurring inside the boys head.
"Miss Clovis I have an update from the surgeon, they have had to do some pressure release to allow some of the swelling to subside, translated to english they have had to open up a few areas in Addison's skull to alleviate the swelling, and that seems to have done the trick, at the last check his brain was about 2 mm smaller than when he first came in, he is no way out of the woods yet but we have hope, all we can do now is to wait." Mrs Kelly the hospital administrator carefully phrased her comments to keep both of the Carter women calm, she knew that if you upset one you then had to deal with the other, and Miss Carter was not the one you wished to ever have to deal with.
"When can we see him?" Clovis asked as calmly as possible.
"I am afraid that he is being kept in isolation since so much of his brain has been exposed there is real fear of infection, so right now the doctors do not wish him to be disturbed." After she said it Mrs Kelly quickly regretted her choice of words.
"Disturbed? his mother and his Aunt will never disturb that young man, you go in there and tell the Doctors that we are coming in and you better make sure that we are germ free before we see our beloved boy, I do not care what it takes we are going in you tell them that I will not be trifled with!" Clovis was no longer calm.
"I will see what I can do!" said Mrs Kelly as she turned and fled the space.
"I will see? what the blazes does that mean, Come on Ally we are going to see our boy!"
Jasper drove to the hospital, still emotionally shaken, he was feeling so many things, watching his best friend fall down a flight of stairs, then seeing his mangled and twisted body, then falling himself and not getting hurt. Watching Addy's mother faint not once but twice and not knowing if his best friend in the universe was alive or dead. Then his son of a bitch Father, blowing off everything he said as if not one word had any meaning. Jasper had never had a day like this in his life. He wanted to know how his friend is doing and after that he is going to have a few choice words with his Father. Once he entered the hospital he asked where Addison was and they said that he was in isolation, Jasper knew from all his years as a hospital brat that it was never a good sign to be in isolation. He went up there anyway and saw Miss Clovis and Allyson before they were getting suited up to enter the sterilized space.
"Jasper how are you doing, in all the commotion we never thought to see if you were all right, June said that you fell down the stairs as well, how do you feel? Miss Clovis asked.
"I am okay I am not sure what happened I rushed down the stairs to try and help Addy and I slipped the next thing I knew is that I was on the floor alongside him and then poor Miss Ally fainted right next to me I caught her and then everything just became a blur Addy was a heaping mess all torn and twisted, Miss June was screaming and it was surreal after that, but I am fine don't think I fell far maybe just a few feet. Addy fell right from the top of the stairs we were heading out to do some shooting and he just passed out and began to fall before I could even catch him he was already tumbling down, I swear Miss Clovis it was like he went down those steps in slow motion, but when I tried to help him I went down as well, but I slipped on the blood, he was blind and falling and I don't even know if he felt the fall or the fact that he might have been out before he even hit his head the first time."
"Well thank the Lord that you are okay Jasper, one near death experience a day per person is more than enough for all of us, come here and give me a great big hug, we both need it right now!" Clovis pulled the boy in close and gave him a tight squeeze and Jasper felt that wave of emotion again and started to sob in Miss Clovis's arms.
"Easy big feller our Addy will be fine, I have very important friends!" She said tilting her white haired head up towards the heavens. Jasper smiled and nodded his head. It is funny Clovis thought, we look at these young men and see what our minds tell us are adults but deep down they are still frightened little boys. Needing their mother and aunts much longer than they even know. Jasper was always the special friend to her Addison both boys lost a parent very young and adapted as best as possible to the situation, Clovis knew that Addy was blessed with both his mother and her, while poor Jasper was left in the hands of his nanny his Father just could not cope with raising the boy, in many ways she wanted Jasper to know the love that Addy had every day, and although Miss Fenn was so very devoted to Jasper she was not his true mother or even blood related kin. Clovis being so old school knew that in a situation such as the Gardners it was the proper thing to have an aunt raise the boy, every large southern family had at least 1 maiden aunt who would rise to the occasion, and being blood related the bond would be more secure and lasting than that of a stranger, even a loved one such as Miss Fenn. Not to ever downplay the importance of the relationship both the woman and the boy did the very best they could to always feel the presence of the other. Clovis observed the bond they shared and was always quick to say that Miss Fenn was a godsend for the boy. But in her southern heart she knew the young man missed out on having a true family member add that connection of bloodline to his upbringing. She knew that Whitley was the very best pediatric cardiologist, and would do everything to save a life without hesitation, he was just a poor example of a father for his son. Jasper's always acting out to get his Father's attention was not unnoticed by the Carter women. But it was all good and healthy acting out, playing lacrosse with such passion, driven to be better than the best, gave the boy other positive and supporting role models, building the team as captain gave him leadership knowledge, it was just a weak failing that it went against Whitley's wishes for his son. Even the hunting and shooting was good character building thought Clovis, It was socially acceptable for men in both of boys positions to know the ways of the world and shooting taught them to focus, to respect the power behind the metal.
Many would disagree and say that it was bad form for the boys to be so comfortable with weapons in their hands, Clovis would say "Pooh to that!" being a southern gentleman it was important to know the feeling of handling a gun, it just was.
Although Jasper fought against everything Whitley Gardner believed in, Clovis thought in the end it made Jasper a better man than his Father.
Once the young man stopped sobbing she released the hug, pulled him back and looked him in the eyes and said.
"Okay glad you got that out of your system, now man up and stop the crying you need to be strong for you best friend."
"Miss Carter, why did you just hug that young man, we have to get you out of that sterilized suit you just contaminated it!" The attending nurse said to Clovis.
"Well don't just stand there get me another one, Lordy with the amount of money I throw at this place you would think they would hire some intelligent staff!"
Not one to be spoken to like that the nurse fired back.
"If some people listened with the 2 ears god gave them and not with the 1 mouth, we would not have to repeat this, and throw away a perfectly good sterilized suit, I guess tossing money around did not automatically grant you common sense!"
"How dare you speak to me like that, I will have you reprimanded, for being so rude!' Miss Clovis shot back at the nurse.
"Would you like to put it in writing or shall I just hand you my phone and put you on with my boss? or would you just quit acting like the Queen of England and get in there to see your boy?" Nurse Davis did not fear the old woman and knew that there were plenty of them around especially when someone they loved was being treated in the hospital that they funded yearly. In her years of nursing she knew that she had to shut them down right quick before they made it more difficult than it needed to be.
"Why I never have been spoken to like that in this building before!" Clovis said with indignation.
"Okay your highness quit it and follow me and I will get you into another suit, this time do as you are told!" Nurse Davis, said curtly.
Clovis did as she was instructed, keeping her thoughts in the back of her mind for retribution later after she saw her Addy.
Allyson was already in the room and standing at the side of the bed, she was still in a level of shock but was slowly beginning to regain her footing and knew that Addy needed her as a mother not a sobbing fool.
Dr. Poonam Singh, was attending to her son, she introduced herself and explained that although the swelling in his brain was easing he was still in a very critical position and that there were no guarantees that he would ever regain full use of his body or even wake from a comatose state.
Allyson had regained enough composure to hear the doctors words but did not fully comprehend what she had meant
"Doctor can you wait until my Aunt comes in and explain that to us again? I am sorry but I am not fully understanding your meaning and instead of you having to repeat it my Aunt is much more able to think at times like this, please forgive me."
"Of course Mrs Carter, you just stay with your son I will see what is keeping your Aunt, excuse me!" Doctor Singh went to look out the glass wall that seperated the isolation room from the rest of the ward, and she saw Nurse Davis having words with Miss Carter, and knew from the expressions of both women it was not a pleasant conversation. She immediately pressed the intercom and asked nurse Davis to send Miss Carter into the room.
"Come this way your majesty, you are wanted in the isolation room!" She lead Clovis to the sealed walkway.
"When I open the door you step in and do not go forward until I seal this door and you feel a burst of air, that will decontaminate you before you can enter the chamber, after I give you the thumbs up you may enter, but not before, you got that?"
"Of course, do you think that I am some kind of idiot?"
"Miss Carter, to be very frank, it does not matter to me at all what you think, I am not here for you, I am here for that very ill young man laying on that bed, and the sooner you understand that the more time I waste bantering with you the less time I have to assist Doctor Singh, in helping your nephew, please focus on what is important, it's not you and it's not me, let us just step outside of the preconceived boxes that we have created for each other and look at the real issue here and that is that boy in there." Nurse Davis said with true concern for Addison. In that brief conversation, she rose from being a nuisance, to being a woman worthy of respect and immediately Clovis changed the way she felt about the woman.
"Yes Nurse Davis, you are quite right, thank you for reminding me that it truly is all about Addison." Miss Clovis Carter looked Nurse Davis right in the eyes and acknowledged the words that she spoke. The Nurse smiled back knowing that she cracked the shell of the old woman and now she would be focused on what was important, not what was superficial. Clovis waited till she was allowed to enter the chamber and was soon rushing to Addisons side.
"Ladies let me explain just what is going on with your loved one!" Doctor Singh began.
Addison was woken by the overpowering scent of the carnations, when he opened his eyes he was in a space filled with light and even the walls glowed with light, there was no color even when he looked at his own body it was glowing with white light, the only thing that was not was this tiny slit in the ceiling which he saw dark flashes and heard grumbling roars that held no meaning just sounds he could not make out how many different sound definitions he could hear, but it was indeed more than one. It was not like thunder but it was far from english. The only things that resonated with Addison was the light and the sweet spicy scent that filled the space, he had to get away, he feared the smell, but so far he did not have the normal reaction to it. He said "Why am I not doubled over with pain, and why is my head so light and my eyes are not tearing?" The only thing he felt was a strong desire to back away from that slit and the darkness and sounds, they were not good, he told himself, if I am in some prison they are the reason why. Addy looked around for something anything a door or a hall but the light was just this side of bright that it was not easy to focus on any one thing. If I keep moving I will hit something and then I will know where the walls are. So he backed away from the offending slit and kept stepping back and each step he was sure that he was going to hit something but the slit grew smaller and he kept stepping back and there was no wall, the light seemed to have walls but when he reached out to touch them they pulsed and disappeared and reappeared a few feet further back. That smell I hate it and it is all over me, it is like its part of the light and everything, but where am I?
"Over here, come on thank goodness you finally asked otherwise I can't help you!"
There was color and texture beginning to form it was a man at a chair holding a book, as he approached the form became more solid until he was only a few feet away and he saw that the man sitting in the chair was someone who looked just like him.
"Hello Addison, we have been trying to get your attention for some time now, but you kept on fighting us." The man said.
"Who are you?" Addy asked.
"You of course, see the resemblance? the other asked.
"Considering I have never viewed myself as another body before I guess you are me, but why? and more importantly where?" Addison questioned his doppelganger.
"Where is easy we are nowhere, and everywhere but right now for you just accept the fact that you are nowhere, and everywhere at the same time, trust me on that."
"What the hell does that mean, you can't be somewhere and nowhere at the same time and then be everywhere, stop talking in riddles it is not amusing!"
"So you are going to need validation on just where and when? ok no sweat, come here and take my hand, it can't work unless you do." The other offered.
"No its creepy as fuck to touch you, forget it no way!"
"You want to know answers that I can not explain to you if you do not take my hand then I can not show you it is as simple as that, do you trust me?"
"Trust you? I do not know what you even are, you say that you are me, you look like me but I am me, so NO I don't trust you."
"This is the very reason why we had to get your attention you are just too stubborn to understand anything subtle, too much time with your Aunt Clovis, she was the tough one, if it were you and mom, we could have gotten to you when we first tried, but no you have been fighting us all along, do you want answers or not, you have no choice but to trust me so take my hand you moron." The other shouted.
Addison reached out his hand to his other self and the other took in and boom they were not in the light filled world any longer but a dimly lit hospital room.
"What is this, why am I laying on that bed all hosed up and look at my mother and aunt Clo they look 100 years old and so worried, my mother looks like she is lost and aunt Clo looks anxious, am I dead?" Addy asked.
"No far from dead, we needed to get your attention, you will be fine, just a slight limp from the broken leg and once we get you onboard your brain will heal nicely and you will only have a few months of cognitive therapy to get back to where we need you to be."
"You did this to me? you fucked me up so you could have a chat with me? you are killing my mother and Aunt Clo, what the fuck?"
"Listen, we did not do anything that was not supposed to happen, we just pushed it back a few years, you can't wrap your head around what you are experiencing lets just give you a detail that might help when you turn 26 you are in a motorcycle accident and everything you see right now is supposed to happen then but we could not let you wait that long before we had the time to really get to you, so we just tweaked your timeline, no worries you will not have to do this again, in 7 years, it's a one shot thing."
"This detail is supposed to help me how? and what right do you have 'tweaking' my timeline, you are not answering any of my questions, you are just getting me more pissed off and confused."
"Ok I hear you, I keep forgetting that you live out here and don't have a clue what's going on anywhere else, so you see that your monitor is scanning your brain waves, right? watch this, and take note of what happens. With that comment his other self grabbed him and held his arms down at his side. The lines on the machine began to jump as Addison fought having his arms pinned to his side. Doctor Singh went over to the machine and said. "Look at this its a very good sign Addison is experiencing brain wave motion, it means that his brain is functioning as it should, it has multiple meanings and they are all quite good!" Both of the Carter women stared at the machine and saw the doctor smiling warmly.
"Are we out of the woods?" Miss Clovis asked.
"Yes indeed we are this is the best sign, it means that not only is his brain functioning it is starting to heal itself, in fact this is miraculous news so soon!"
"See, what we just did, by shaking you up we started the healing process, are you satisfied that you will survive now? The other asked.
"I don't know what to think but I am happy to see the worry off of their faces, so whatever you did thanks, I guess?"
"Ok we can leave here now, just so you understand when you asked where we were, I said nowhere, we are nowhere, we are right here, inside your mind, Come on it's time to try to explain just what it is we are doing." With that they returned to the white light space.
"Where would you like to go to be comfortable you name it we are there, I need you to be as calm as possible so we can go anywhere you wish."
"Take me to Jekyll Island, that was the place of some great summer memories"
They were there, sitting on the deck chairs and listening to sounds of the waves rolling onto the miles of silky sand, the gulls and other sea bird were calling out as the swooped over head, the sun felt wonderful on Addy's skin.
"How? oh forget it, start explaining I am listening." Addy sighed.
"Okay just do me a favor let me explain and hold your questions till I am done, if you interrupt it will just confuse things."
"Haha thats a laugh you tell me about confusing things."
" So you see me, I am you in your present form, it's easier for you to comprehend hearing this from me, than your future you or your past you, as you saw we are inside your head, each one of us resides inside of you, always have and always will, you are not someone with multiple personalities we are all you just different stages of your life, every experience we have been with you, and no you are not different than anyone else, every human has this within them some are very in tuned with their inner self and some like you do not pay attention to us. Which is why we took the sensitivity of the carnations to use that to get you to listen, your problem is that you were taken by the physical sensations and never let it go to the next level, so we amped it up, and you still fought it, the last straw was to have the accident pushed back to today, we knew that once you were out of the outside world and open to getting inside your own head we could tell you what we have been trying to tell you since you were 8 years old. But this is the pivotal time for you, if you take the path that leads you away from school and on to the road to travel some very bad stuff will happen and it is our responsibility to try and sway you to the right path, ok I am getting ahead of myself. Close your eyes and I want you to see what plays out for you if you choose the path to travel.
Addison closed his eyes and a film began to play right in his eyes, he was at an airport with a backpack and he was able to see signs in a foreign language and the flim sped up, he was staying on a beach and surfing, and meeting people he was with this cute blonde surfer girl and they were having sex, then he was walking her to her plane and she was leaving, fast forward she is giving birth to a baby it is his, she is in London, he is still traveling now he is in a different country its 2 years later and gets a telegram that Aunt Clo had passed and he had to get home asap, funeral, tears, emotion loss, reading the will he inherits everything, he never goes to school and the girl seeks him out and she begins the court battle and he loses everything the money the property the home, and he is sleeping on his mothers sofa, he is tired all the time he drinks to excess he starts to take drugs, he is hospitalized many times and he eventually shoots himself in the head and takes his own life, his mother throws herself on his casket and soon begins to drink herself and slowly wastes away to her own death without her beloved son and aunt she feels so hopeless.
"Oh my god that is horrible why did you show me that, it's a nightmare, I am so messed up, a total douchebag, why would I want that life? I am selfish and entitled and lazy and just a fuck up." Addy sighed.
"This is what we have been trying to show you, we know that if you make this choice this will be the fate that we all share, all your future selves will all follow that path that you selected and it ends the worst possible way, we are not born to end our own lives, that is why we tried to wake you up with the smell of the carnations, we knew that you suffered from a mild allergy, we thought that if we kept hitting you harder and harder you would ease into the pain and we would have ended the pain and gotten to you a long time ago. The connection to the smell of carnations and death was something that you began to understand on your own, we just had to wake you up, now close your eyes and see a very different path.
Addison was now used to the film playing, he was at Vanderbilt and he was teased all the time he hated school and wanted to get away from it as often as possible, he would take his car and drive as far away, as he could and avoid all social encounters one night at frat party they asked him to come he said he had plans he drove and sat in his car and cried, feeling so miserable, when he returned to the frat he saw the building was on fire and he ran in and tried to wake up as many drunk people as possible he was able to save 20 before the fire dept arrived and saved the rest. He was the hero of Vanderbilt, soon friends and good times, meeting the one and falling in love, then the movie stopped.
"Hey why did you wake me from that one it was going good, I saved 20 peoples lives, and met this girl and started to feel love then you stopped it!" Addy demanded.
"You saw enough to know that if you choose one path you will save the lives of 20 others, if you choose the other path 20 people will die and with them generations that never will have a chance to be born, so you 1 person can affect so many lives, yes you hated school and your biggest and worst fears were realized you were identified as a Carter and they treated you like shit, you hated most of the time, but you were there for a reason, if you graduated it is not important, if you married the girl also not important, saving 20 lives is IMPORTANT! Addison as your inner self we have been trying to warn you all your life that you can make a difference but you were too stubborn to let us in, yes forcing the accident was a drastic move, but your time of choosing the right path was getting close and we had to show you what your choices are, we tried the usual routes with dreams and signs and the freaking carnation allergy we thought that was the gold rush to your mind but not you, mr stubborn, now that you have finally seen both options we leave it up to you to make the correct choice for you, showing you the future does not mean that it will play out just as you saw, you have free will and you can change the outcome of either option we just had to show you the end result if you make one choice over the other, my task is done, I have warned you that in one option you choose to end your own life and that is something we take very seriously where I come from.
"So do I marry the girl? do I have a family? do I do great things with the inheritance? do I live to be an old man with grandchildren running around at my feet?" Addy asked.
"I don't know, whatever you decide will be your fate I can not show you your future because you have to make it not us, we only work here you run the show!" The other said flatley.
"Before you asked me if I trusted you and I said no, now I trust you even less, you just lied to me you know just how the future plays out, and you are not willing to share it, so be it, what happens now?"
"We will wake you and you will be together with your family and friends and know that you have made a very good impression to all the people in your life they love us very much and that is mostly due to your handling mostly everything on your own, the one piece of advice I will share is when you have the carnation reaction, relax and let your body go with it and that way we can communicate with you, if you continue to block us you will not be able to hear us, the choice is yours now I am just opening the door that you locked to tightely, you can keep it open and always know that what you ask of us we will do our best to help you within our power, but if you never want to hear or see me again just keep that door locked, goodbye Addison, I hope to see you again, but of course that is up to you!"
The brain monitor was all over the charts, Doctor Singh was beaming.
"In all the years I have been practising I have never seen action like this so soon in an injury, this boy of yours wants to live and he wants to live badly!"
Allyson reached out to Clovis and the two women hugged each other tightly.
"I believe that we shall keep him in the isolation room overnight and keep monitoring him but I believe if he keeps up like this we shall move him to a room sometime tomorrow." Doctor Singh said, with confidence.
"Doctor look he is opening his eye!" shouted Allyson and indeed Addison Carter was blinking open not one but both of his pale green eyes.
"Unheard of, never have I seen someone rebound out of a coma state with head injuries before!" Doctor Singh exclaimed.
"That is our Addison stubborn like his mother, and his Aunt!" said Clovis.
Allyson was tearing up with joy.
Six weeks later Addison was sitting up in his room and Jasper was there, tossing flower petals at his friend.
"Lord have mercy will you boys ever grow up!" chided Aunt Clovis.
"Clo let them have their fun, Jasper will be leaving for school in a few days and the two knuckleheads will not see each other till the fall." Allyson told her.
There was a knock on the door,
"Floral delivery for room 206!" The delivery man left the wrapped arrangement, and was gone in a flash.
"Hey buddy this is 209 not 206!" Addy shouted towards the door.
"Lets see what it is, you know I love flowers!" Aunt Clovis said as she unwrapped the cellophane.
"Oh dear me what a hideous arrangement, someone is either color blind or simply has no taste whatsoever." Clovis was appalled.
"Let me see?" asked Ally. "Oh my!" she replied.
"Yikes! holy hell" said Jasper.
"Addy look at this mess, it's got a ton of red carnations and purple mums, and a lone bird of paradise sticking out of the top."
"Oh yes Addy is allergic to carnations get these out of here!" Aunt Clovis was about to ring for the nurse.
"No Aunt Clo leave them if anything they add some schock value for the moment, open the card, not that we know who they are for but I am curious?"
She handed the card to Addison.
"Dear Aunt Irma, Hope your gallbladder surgery went well, sending you love from Jess and Kingsley Vanderbilt!" Addison read the card out loud and added.
"Yup sorry Aunt Irma These are mine now!" He began to laugh out loud saying Vanderbilt over and over.
"That settles that the boy done lost his last marble!" Laughed Jasper.
The rest of room 209 began to laugh out loud
Jasper leaned in to Addy, and started to speak softly.
Miss Clovis poked Allyson and both women got up to leave.
"We will be back at 4:00 after your nap, don't keep him up too long Jasper, remember her needs his rest!" Allyson told the other young man.
"Yes ma'am, I only need a few minutes why don't you wait for me in the lobby I will be down shortly!" Jasper requested.
Both women nodded and each kissed Addison on his cheek and left the room.
"Addy I just want to tell you that, I was really shaken when you took that dive, for days I kind of walked around in a fog, I was just so pissed off at Whitley and not knowing if my blood brother was going to live or die, it gave me the strength to confront Whitley to his face, and not be afraid of what he might say or do, you gave me the courage to man up, I had a lot to say to him and to be honest not much of it was good, he let me down that day you fell, I saw the true side of him that I was not ready to see, Addy my old man is one big ass fraud, he is all Doctor feel good to everyone else but he almost always blamed me for my mothers death, and I never had anything to do with it, after the truth came out every time he saw my red head it reminded him of my mother and her red hair, I guess he felt guilty that he allowed her to die on his watch and he could not stop it, yeah I know its all fucked up but its Whitley that is fucked up not me, and I know that now, dude you are my brother if ever there was one that was not blood related, and I know that when we are old Dads ourselves we will have BBqs at the old casa's with our wives and kids in tow, and no matter what we will be friends for life. Sitting on our porches on Pinestream road, and rocking way. I love you brother, and I am going to miss you a shitload."
"Wow Jasp don't know when your lost your balls like this, did they fall off? or did you cut them off by accident when you cleaned up your pubes? it's good to know that my best bud has a pussy now so if I feel the need to fuck you up it will count! yeah bro I love you too, pussy and all!" Addy shot back.
"You know I am glad that you didn't die asswipe, the world needs as many pussy head guys as you can round up! Jasper responded.
He stood up and walked toward the door, then caught himself and turned around and headed for the bed and went to give his best bud a goodbye hug.
"I love you mother fucker!" He said as he squeezed back the tears.
"I love you too fuck face!" Addy said also holding back.
Jasper got up to go and turned down the lights, and was gone without turning around to say goodbye one more time to his closest friend.
Addison got comfortable in his bed and punched the pillows, he looked over to the hideous flower arrangement and knew there was no gallbladder and no Aunt Irma, just as he also knew there was no room 206. He did not know how his inner self did it but he knew that this mess was a gift from him to him. Ok message loud and clear, Vanderbilt just as soon as I am able, don't worry that was my choice anyway so you didn't have to remind me. He didn't have the heart to tell his inner self, that since the accident he no longer had the reaction from the smell of carnations, in fact he no longer could smell anything at all. Doctor Singh said it was a common side effect from a brain injury, he might never get his sense of smell back again or it could come back tomorrow, for now it really didn't matter. As for his inner self, they would have to find another way to communicate with him. No worries he thought I am pretty smart they will figure it out. He closed his eyes and took a calm breath in and eased slowly into a deep restful sleep.
tony scarpa 3/17/2019
