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when one thinks of strength the first thing that comes to mind

the physical ability to protect oneself and loved ones, power

yet strength can show itself in so many other ways

in its prowess of mental agility

strength of a persons character

of their personal discipline

a moral compass, to guide ones journey

the color of strength is multi-hued

as different as the person who seeks it

some can find strength in the comfort of one's higher power

others seek it as a crutch to lean upon when times are tough

still others hold it quietly, tightly to their chests, sacred

while others love to display it in parades of muscle and might

proud to show it in ways of bravado, and daring

some express it holding the hand of the ill or dying

for some it is a resolve that things will get better

for some it is the bottom of the barrel and nothing could get worse

many combine their strengths and express them as

love, kindness, compassion, sharing

some can give it endlessly to those in need

while some are so depleted they must pray for every tiny fragment

to some it is the ability to deadlift three hundred pounds of hardened iron

to others it is cradling the head of a child dying from hunger

humanity needs it

loves it

desires it

and respects it

we seek it in ourselves and others

it is a very beautiful thing when it is exposed

either to oneself or to the masses

for some tears and pain are the only ways it can be asked for

for many suffering without see addiction as the only way when, it is denied

they look at the strength as it is alien to them, not home, unfamiliar

it can be found in the hand that reaches out

the heart that understands

the soul that accepts

the guidance to make it one day at a time

then strength is contagious and bountiful

to guide those lost in the fog safely to shore

humanity can be lost in many ways

some cannot feel strength when they are depressed

they cry out, sad and alone

find me, help me, save me

strength will seek them and ask nothing in return

but to be happy and complete

but they must want to be found, rescued and whole

they must desire the strength and it will be shared

given freely out of love and compassion

strength can be as large as a mountain or as tiny as a drop of dew

size means nothing for that drop may hold much more than the mountain

use transforms the strength its power unfolds, when needed it will provide

humans love each other and show their strengths in many ways

in the touch, the tear, the smile, the hug, the handshake, the kiss

let your strength be the gift you share with the world

open your heart and hear the echos of those lost

in the mist of despair

lend your strength to all who beckon

know each emotion will have its own flavor

know each emotion will have its own texture

know within each emotion strength will have its own color

let your color be the one that defines you

be the color of your strength

tony scarpa 7/16/2018

the color of strength is many hued



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