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i cast my eyes upward to the eternal onyx night

at once so velvety and black

yet filled with the luminous sparkle

a million points of incandescence

flashing, glimmering, splendor

horizon to horizon, shining lucent

telling tales of burnished glow flickering

illusory i can pluck one from the heavens

timeless brilliance existing from days and empires long forgotten

burning today as when the dinosaur roamed the earth

but they remain clear as if fixed to one spot

reality hurtling through space aglow, flying, soaring

do i see the shapes as they exist?

or can my mind create them?

turning what is not into what i desire

so twisted are my thoughts to wish to take resplendent beauty and power

and make them into my playthings

the ego of man

so brazen as to take the stars of the ebony heavens

radiance of g-d and make them familiar shapes and creatures

why does not man accept that in the illumination of the slate darkness

are shining suns with the mighty reverence that we place upon our own

for distance planets to orbit

ablaze with light beaming from timelessness

foolish man once again you purloin the infinite majesty

to accommodate it to fit your minuscule brain

as if the luminosity and its magnificence is yours alone

and not the abounding aurora that is the universe

selfishly we own them, yet they have existed since before we stood upright

thankfully they are not within our physical grasp or we would have

extinguished each, dimmed and drained in our voracity to control

all that is beautiful and glorious

tony scarpa 7/22/2018

star light star bright first star I see tonight

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