during the last few days, temps have been hitting the upper 60's during the day and teasing us with the warm sun beating down and bathing everything in its glory, but the tease ends, once the late afternoon rolls in the temps plummet down a few degrees to the lower 50's not bad in theory, but when you get hit with the wind and its a few degrees cooler, it's freaking cool.
don't get me wrong every day we get closer just one day closer to the warmer days of summer count me in, when i feel that warm sun on my face i am like hello sunshine, and in response i get "how ya-all doing waiting on me?"
ok so when the sun talks to me it's got a southern accent....what can i tell you, it just seems to make sense to me that it's from the south, its warm okay, so what you might prefer a northern sun, from say massachusetts? " how ah you doowgn, whaitng on me?" or better yet a german sounding sun "achtung his dis light gute enough?" but i think i could have some fun with an aussie sun "g'day mate how ya goin' " now that sounds mighty friendly, and let's face it the sun in april and may is a friendly sight, welcomed with open arms, windows and sunroofs....ok you get the drift, although we are overjoyed to see and feel the sun for the next few, come july and august, totally different story sorry peeps you are on your own.
let me not digress i should not jumping that far ahead to summer. although i must admit it is my prefered season over winter by maybe 100 times, ok enough about me.
but with spring a sprung, i have been seeing lots of flowering trees and bushes starting to show off, they kind of start with the whites and yellows then before you can say memorial day the deeper blues and violets are in full glory, after that its a pure riot of color, you name it and kaboom it's out there... again i am jumping way ahead of myself, i will put down the benjamin moore color wheel in my hand....stop and smell the flowers i always say, instead of waiting for the full on color parade lets just dig the soft greens that are popping up all over. just looking out my slider i see greens in every shade of pale. and the few poppers that are blooming right now those crazy yellows are that first wham of color, bushes of forsythia are shouting "hey hello, can you see me?" and the sway of the stalwart daffodils blowing in the early spring winds we get every spring in my lil spot of the world long island new york... round these parts we are just glad another winter has passed, ok not everyone feels the same way that i do, i get that and there are actually people who like winter, or so they procaliam.
"isn't the cold so bracing, and the air so crisp and fresh?" yup i say till after the 6th snowstorm in as many weeks and guess who are the first ones on that plane for warmer climes... places that have never seen snow... "aloha, welcome to the big island!"
so sorry you ski bunnies and snow board dudes, but as far as i am concerned i would rather be sinking my toes in the warm sand, listening the the screech of the gulls, smelling coppertone and the salty sea mist. or there is the alternative, as the snow buries every freaking thing it touches oh yeah standing and doing that turn around the fireplace, warming first my front then back. no thank you, a tony rotisserie is not what i am longing to be.... no, no, no i can't imagine the concept.....give me summer over winter every day.
but yet again i am leaping off the cliff without a net.... let us take in spring and enjoying its daily growth, every second of that warm sun, every bloom on every blooming tree and bush!...the sights, the smells the feel that spring has indeed sprung....enjoy it now, because if you blink twice it will be gone before you know it.