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my eyes are not prepared for the beauty they are surveying

the desert sun glares… early morning yet intense

the sun licks every pore of my exposed body

i pause at the peak of the mountain

my hard tan legs are spread firmly anchored in terra firma

while my head swings back and forth absorbing the vista

i am allowed to experience

the desert floor and valleys as far as my eyes can observe

speechless I fill my lungs with the sweet pinion scented air

the deserts fragrance explodes in my brain with each breath

the flow of blood surges through my veins pumping, pumping

rushing rich fluid to my beating heart

it was not the drums of some ancient native skins that called out to me

from the base of the sharply sloping hillside 

but the pounding of my own heart!

the hot desert air blows dry the rivulets of sweat

that trickle down the hard brawn of my chest

my tense muscles are throbbing with the strain of climbing the crumbling slope

yet i can feel pleasure in my body for the first time in months

the workout is like worshiping at the temple of my strength

proud of the blood flowing through my arteries and veins

the tingling of my skin as the sun caresses away the tension of the past year

like a lover, it soothes the skin and eases

the sinew below to relax and release the tautness

at the summit, i absorb everything around me and i shout out loud   

"i am alive, and i am here!"

free from the confines of a world rapidly becoming too crowded, too small

the wind blows past my ears,  a hot and sensual breeze

as i turn and view the slope i had just ascended 

what is this the wind is trying to tell me, what do i hear?

in its soft movement, voices whispers at once harsh and raspy

all i can see from the summit is the trail i hiked upon, not a person for miles

the voices are more persistent yet so subtle mingled with the blowing air

i squint my eyes and shield them from the brilliant sun as i peer down

all i see are the saguaro cactus scattered about in the deeply terraced valley

they stand like ancient sentinels watching forever the land they call home  

so human they reach up and out towards the sun and sky

is this who is calling out to me? the dispersed saguaro?

“ come! join us we are lonely for your company.” they reached out to touch me as I passed them on my assent

gently brushing against an arm or leg

“ welcome! they shout stay as long as you wish, but don’t take anything and don’t leave anything.”

their ancient voices whisper a sweet reality of the continuation

that this place will always be a refuge from the intensity of the crowded flat plains

they speak of magic to be at one with the hills and rocks

they tell me stories of night skies filled with shooting stars

comets with tails that brighten the dark skies

abundant animal life that pesters and annoys them, owls that peck out nesting holes in their soft shells, the many other birds that fly in and amongst them

the scurrying of mice up and down their solid bases

and all the larger animals the wild boar, the coyote, the mountain lion

listening with wild abandon as they tell the tales

of the natives that once called the desert home

they purr with the longing of air untainted before the arrival of man

so pure it was like a tonic so rich and aromatic

"but the air here is so far removed from any man, it smells like heaven to me."

they laugh and call me child, silly one, and rapidly grow tired of my foolishness

they release me to move on, the visit was long enough

thanking them for their marvelous gift and they laugh once again

it was their gift to speak with a man who heard their call

i bid my large spired friends a hearty goodbye as i continue down the mountainside

my spirit is awakened in such a magical place

did i just converse with a few saguaro cacti? did i?

to think i've traveled two thousand miles to reach this desolate mountain

i am not a man who seeks nature

respecting the wilderness, it fills me with awe, yet at the same time frightens me

never before have i been driven to leave the safety of my chair

here the desert calls me home!

until now i imagined the desert as a foreboding place, vast, dead and dangerous

the life that surrounds me is incredible, the abundant growth

houses multitudes of living things

lizards scoot past on missions they choose not to share

tortoise ambled by on the flatlands

wasting little moisture on a slow and deliberate course

birds of all description, owls, hawks, quail, doves

flutter in and among the spires of saguaro

delicate snakes are not hidden from the oppressive sun, baking on rocks no doubt 

but they leave many clues of their existence, their homes loom dark and deep

the swirling patterns as they slither to the next appointment

insects buzz my ears and tell me they are not impressed by the panoramic views they lie!

alone yet far from lonely

the hush of the desert sounds as it fills the air

with the deafening din of unimaginable silence, filled with noise

a shadow crosses my face in the brief second the cold gray that i feel

sends a chill down my spine

the dark figure of a vulture circling overhead

at once i am reminded that this is a perilous place

one not to be taken for granted, this is no ideal eden safe from harm

this is a dangerous locale, to be respected and to be loved

abundant with life and also plays the game of survival

with that the reality of death

passing many bones of the loser’s in the game

but the deaths are purposeful, not wanton acts of violence

the coyote hunts the rabbit not for the pleasure of watching it die

but for the relief that now it’s own young will not have to suffer the hunger of yesterday, when the rabbit won the game

all the desert gives is carefully rationed, nothing can afford to be wasted

this ecosystem so well designed it doesn’t invite man often

to share its beauty, or judge its harshness

but when it does invite, oh lucky man who shares the spirit and the magic

in such a holy place

enjoy it while you can, the invitation is not easily given

once granted it is far too short a stay

back to the east i must go and leave this magical and awe-inspiring place

my new found love from my deckchair on my patio, the view is nothing like the land i left behind

beautiful in its own right, green lush with foliage

the wind gently stirs the magnificent oaks, enormous tulip trees, maples

that surround the place I call home

their leaves shimmer in the sunlight

rustle amongst each other in the soft breeze

the mysteries they speak of, are tinged with the subtle conservative new england accent they have acquired over the years

when they speak it is only to each other

unaware that i can hear their conversations

no whining about the past they are too conservative

they speak of the coming changing seasons

harsh weather they will be exposed to and just who will suffer the most

from the winds, snow and ice storms that blow in from the sea

they laugh as the birds soar in and among their large branches, tickling them

they cannot speak in the harsh heated passion of the saguaro

with its seductive calls, distinct personality and all too human shape it assumes 

i vow i will return to the mystical desert

once again to connect with the life that abounds there and the peace that fills me

longing to enjoy the magic and the mystery of the formidable landscape of the Sonoran desert

tony scarpa

a magical, mystical place filled with life


1 Comment

May 22, 2018

Makes one want to visit the desert NOW!!


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