*ok, so i am stuck on this path
how did i get here? i don't remember choosing anything, and i would not have chosen this path for my life that is for sure.
- often we are placed upon paths before we are even old enough to know the difference between the path on the right or left.
*who would do this to me?
- often it is a parent who places us on the path they believe we should be on, a teacher could do it also religion plays a huge part in why we end up on certain paths. for a very long time, it was believed in the Judeo-Christian value system that if something were to have any meaning and value it there had to be a struggle to achieve it.
the Puritan work ethic, hard work, discipline, and frugality, being self-reliant and having perseverance when faced with hardship. this ethic was thought to make you more responsible, and a stronger person for g-d and for society as a whole. this philosophy came from our European roots, where almost every country felt that to struggle for anything brought you closer to g-d.
the majority of American immigrants did come from the European countries for most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it has been only recently that the majority of immigrants have come from more distally different parts of the planet. that being said it was also an ethic that many other countries having been ruled by European countries as colonies for many years, have been exposed to as well.
work hard and you will prosper, and struggle to get anything worth having.
it became the new normal to be placed on the path that would be the more difficult to navigate. especially if you wished to see your children succeed. without direct intent to make our lives more difficult, it became the way of life and accepted as a society grows, all its children must succeed.
*i was placed on the more difficult path from such an early age, can i adjust to a path that suits me as the person i am now?
- it is my belief that we can change the path we are on at any time in our lives, many have already experienced the fork in the road and made a choice that seemed right at the moment. most often in choosing a partner, we can stray from the path we were placed on, but those were either the correct moment of perfect flow and energy we strayed smoothly onto another path and changed the outcome of our lives.
some took a broad jump onto another path, if we chose to seek a partner of a different religion, color, sex, than what our family and or religion would have preferred for us. the path would and could be very different than the original path we were placed on. for many this experience lead to great comfort and a newly found sense of peace, they found their partner and a new way to see the world at the same time. the consequence of the broad jump was the disconnect from either family or religion often both.
many people will tell you that the choice they made was done out of love and it was a wise choice and they were willing to sacrifice something to gain their new world view.
this is a pretty amazing way to shift paths, and for many it works, the downside is when people are not willing to sacrifice their family or religion and fight against their nature, but decided that it is better to remain on the path they have been placed than to risk a disconnect. often this will result in marriages that are done to please others or lying to themselves and family that this is what they want. this is often in the case of many people who are driven towards one sex by desire and yet forced to marry the opposite sex by society or religions standards.
to be continued...5/25/2018

* most common questions that are posed when people feel trapped or stuck in a life that feels much harder than it should be