love is the most confusing form of human communication
exists to baffle the mind, perplex the soul, blurring reason with chaos
one can feel it's presence yet never feel its passion
feel nothing but passion and never feel its embracing warmth
how can something intangible be experienced by all of humanity?
and never feel the same for any two individuals?
like snowflakes flinging wildly in a fierce storm
each unique and incomparable
hands pressed together fingerprints of one
not duplicated on the other
yet, love seems
so essential
so integeral
so bewildering
so complex
so unsettling
such is love, undefinable
found, it increases life with inestimable joy taken to intoxicating levels
lost, it rips the sinew from the flesh, shatters trust, hope, belief
destructive as a explosion to render everything seemingly marred
nothing remains as before, every atom now misplaced
clawing through the wreckage searching for remnants of what was
cries of hearts broken, yet hearts can never break
souls can break
questions never answered what? why? how?
closure improbable
separation complete, steel doors slide shut
lost as easily as found
sobs, anger, sadness
filling the void created by the fleeing of joy and happiness
unfathomable pain
suffering imminent
survival doubtful
often unbalanced it might exist as a tiny flicker of emotion for one
yet all encompassing, a future lifetime for another
shared it can turn the black velvet sky
to one filled with brilliantly illuminated stars
shooting blazing trails toward the horizon
life becomes more colorful and vibrant
endorphins release unbounding joy
all the things done together make it so
to list the activities would take an eternity
once again each detail as personal as a teardrop in the ocean
yet in the midst of loves wonder
exists a vulnerability
fear and trust, insecurity, close cousins to love
will slither in the second they sense a fissure
attempting to shake the exuberance to its core
tearing at the levels of elation
creating doubt
does he love me?
he said he loved me two weeks ago
he did not say it today
where do i place my trust in my own heart or his lack of words?
does he feel the need to express love a failing, a weakness?
if i question him what will his response be?
will he laugh and say "of course i love you silly one"
or will he become angered that you questioned his love?
possibly he might answer, "do not my actions tell you i love you, every day?"
"do you not see that, i may not say it but i show you love?"
sometimes he will take you in his arms pressing you tightly
placing his tender lips to yours
love it is, you sigh
is it?
so many times passion hides in the folds of the crimson cloak of love
you give to receive yet once given do you recieve?
he holds you tightly you embrace
heated skin meeting heated skin
two hearts pounding
lips caress trembling flesh
quivering with the contact
the hours touching
exploring, seeking, longing
the excitement rises to heights
to challenge the magnificent moon
the joining and becoming one
each drop of sweat trickles and mingles together with his
passion can no longer be held at bay
intimacy that lovers can only experience
that moment of the impending release
all at once the ground moves beneath you
waves of sensation lift you and you float with each
creasting to a consuming eruption of sensation
the ebb and flow of the tide sweeps to the shore
the breath slows, the once heaving chest eases
before exhilarating strokes, now unbearably sensitive
you seperate, he rolls to your side
his panting speaks of his desire now spent
his lips touch yours slowly without intent
as if to thank you for the gift
so eagerly given
you stroke his damp hairline
as he sighs, closes his eyes
he kisses your palm
you sense the fullness
the wholeness
the reality of the moment
it is love
it must be love
his eyes speak volumes
his touch now ownership
no longer strangers
united in the act of love
he knows your body
and you allow his purusal
with tender tactillity
not lustful passion
that was before
this is now
now is connection
before was lust
this must be love
it feels like love
he slips into a deep sleep
you study his face
trace your fingers over his profile
you sigh
this is what love feels like
you tell yourself
a balance
the yin and yang
slowly spinning
light into dark
how long is forever?
how long is love?
love guarantees nothing
yet we seek it constantly
we demand it constantly
love flows within its own nature
organic or contrived
real or fake
temperamental and fleeting
or long lasting, decades
how does one speak a language
without words
it can only be experienced and felt
owned not owed
emotions not tangible
desired, longed for, grasped, held
sought, found, practiced, familiar
within its boundaries we are the universe, limitless
without we are lost, empty, pained, incomplete
love is simply the most confusing form of human communication
such is love
tony scarpa 6/23/2018
