in times of great confusion and personal angst
inspiration can slam you inside out
open your mind and let in the light and air
blow the dust and cobwebs from inside
since truths so often overlooked
can expand every sense and thought
seeing the obvious
when we believe there is no direction
that lightning bolt from the blue sky
see right - when we think only - left
love when we feel loss
happiness when we wallow in sadness
life when we are deep in the morass of emptiness
oh take me with you
to the fork in the road where my heart will sing
the tales of wonder and freedom
i ache to see that fork
to have a choice of being inspired by the newness
and letting go of the past heavyweight baggage
show me the light and sun filled path
and abandon the weed and vine choked
debris strewn path
i only experienced until now
free my soul to expand and envelop light
feel it on my face the wash of sunlight
smell the cool fresh air
free from the rubble of past chaos
make my body understand that the moment is now
and not in 3 seconds
for in 3 seconds it will be too late
step into the world of inspiration
one where the folds can caress the layers of your soul
peel back each section to reveal the treasure within
it has always been right in front of you
but alas we are too blind to see
maybe you shall show me
and then what has been right in front of me shall illuminate
to give me the joy i long for
the love i desire
the hope that floods my spirit
the belief that yes it can
the oneness that speaks to my heart and soul
of days of future and wonders yet to develop
step onto the road and expose the fork
once it has been seen it will call out to me
come see my wonder and live in my light
i am here for you
take the first step
let me show you what life can be
abandon the worry for it serves no purpose
let go of the fear
it shall mire you in self doubt
own the love that fills your heart
know from where it comes and where it belongs
see that it has always been just around the bend
but the noise of life has drowned out
its siren song
come i am waiting
why have you wasted so much time?
you could have been right here right now
there is no other place you should be
thank you for taking my mind off the leash
and allowed it to run fast and gallop towards
a new and fresh tomorrow filled with promise
of life, love, happiness
share and spread the joy
take my words and make them your own
as i have taken yours
your inspiration has shown me
so much that was overlooked
yet now is available to me
one moment in the vast expanse of time
and now there is a new wave of light
show me the way
and i will take the step
to become one with the path
that has always been my way
given by heaven above
accepted and cherished
simple words can never thank you
for your gift
your simple truth
your inspiration
that yes i can
and now i will
inspire me
and i will inspire you
and so we will inspire others
to see through the fog
yes we will
yes we can
and yes we did
tony scarpa 10/26/2018
dedicated to my angel, Lauren Scarpa who inspired me in ways that she never knew existed! thank you...
