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many people will say "my life sucks, and of course the response is always, your life sucks? your life is not so bad, my life sucks!" thanks Ave Q..... if we lay our cards on the table everyone will clearly have a choice does their life suck or is someone worse off, mostly we believe ours is the worst mess, bills, banks, doctors, traffic tickets, IRS, government involvement in everything, taxes, work, school, pretty much everything in life can really suck...

my own energy has been shifting the last 2 weeks and i have been bumping into things all the time and i will slam my butt, into a small bookcase and smash one foo dog from a set of 2 from who knows how old - smashed to bits, now i have 1 foo dog that is about as good as losing one of a set of candlesticks, so right about there was "my life sucks abit!"

ouch that hurt, last friday as i was kind of in a rush ( ok see the problem right there, rush) to get my house vacuumed for sabbath- plugged in the vac and i saw that there was an electric candle warmer filled with evergreen scented wax and the cord was dangling so i said "that is not going to fall so i pushed it back away from the edge and took the cord and pushed it way back, in theory taking every step to avoid a dark green HUGE wax stain on the light berber carpet.

i had a red candle drip onto berber and the stain never came out the color bled into the carpet and that was the size of a quarter...this would be like hoover dam of hot dark green wax hitting the valley below, hard wet and green.

every i dotted, every t crossed and when the cord from the dyson was not pulled out fully by me, there is like 200 ft of cord ( ok mild exaggeration maybe 50 ft) of course i move off into another room when i hear the crash, the shorter non fully pulled cord grabbed the wax warmer cord and yanked it across the room, wax the color of the darkest green you get before black was a mile long swath across the floor... talk about sherman's march to the sea and burning down every plantation and farm 50 miles wide, nothing compared to my living room...i was going literally crazy... hooping and hollering and just so angry at myself because i was under the impression that i did all the right avoid this, which down deep in my gut i feared...

so there it was, with an hour to go before sabbath and sweating like a stuck pig... i placed packs of ice on the wax guessing it could be stopped all i needed was bailey to walk in it and the la brea tar pits...they seemed to do the trick they hardened it right away and then they caused it to crack so it came up much easier than i thought and no green stain on the carpet... whew.... another close call... is my life sucking more each day?

then today i was taking something off my kitchen window where i have extended the windowsill in length and width to house the bulk of my indoor plants and i have some really cool unique plants some as long as 30 years, i have this one it looks like a spider with all these super delicate legs and i have been loving that plant for years watching it grow so it now grows down and over the shelf at the ledge, well today i went to grab something else and it came crashing into the kitchen sink... i was like oh no! all these delicate tendrils will be crushed and it will look like it did 3 years ago. my life sucks! i carefully lifted it out of the sink and the miracle was that not one of these delicate branched groupings were damaged... all intact a very insignificant piece came off..

now my life really sucks...

of course i am thinking either i am getting clumsy which i am the furthest thing from clumsy or someone is trying to tell me something in not so subtle a message- let go of the things that you place so much importance on focus on what is important.

now most of you do not know me well but i was the world's most materialistic human on the planet surface, things meant more to me that they should, i was a label slut, everything i owned had to have a label that would instantly be seen by the world's population, declaring me a cut above the rest of the common people and i would be the success that only riches could afford.... forget the fact i have pot to p** in and i spend 3 hours a day rubbing 2 nickels to make a quarter..

my interior emptiness was like a magnet to possess and possess it did, more clothing than i could wear in a month, an embarrassing amount of shoes with labels that would embarrass me to admit i owned.... just because i wanted to look the part of a success... knowing better that the wealthiest people i know do not flaunt it, they do it low key, but i felt if i pulled off low key i would look homeless...

it took a lot of thought and study to learn that the things will never make you a real success, that to succeed you need love, family, friends a generous heart and spirit, and a purpose. that is the path to success, not what you owned but what you did, who you are... spoke volumes of your success. stumbling on this quote as i was starting to have doubts that i was still too attached to things, much, much less important... in fact 2 of my dearest friends have seen my transformation during the last year and say that there is a beautiful humbleness around me now... a peace that comes from the new view of just what success is, the work that you do to achieve it and the beauty that others can sense the change in you.

i agree that to succeed you must have belief and the knowledge that you can make it'is so, it is a journey for all of us, i share my experiences because i am you, you are the people in the trenches fighting our daily battles to achieve a level of success...

whose life sucks more now? but the understanding is that success is never what you own, but who you are. what you do speaks volumes about your success

so believe the 2 comments in this quote

i can have a better future, successful in love, in my relationships, my talents, my gifts, my interactions with everyone on the planet and my own self esteem....finding my purpose... and making it happen, trust me you will be a happier person once you achieve the level of success that you seek. and hey guess what, that will change as you evolve and grow so will your understanding of success... its out there within your grasp... take your first step... you need to stop breath, and listen to that quiet voice inside you... leap and the net will appear...if you truly believe there is no stopping you! and yes even successful people will say from time to time "my life sucks!"since it is a journey we are are on, expect change, embrace it, love it, accept it own and you shall find...



1 Comment

C. Lee McKenzie
C. Lee McKenzie
May 02, 2018

Often success comes when we learn to change. Seems you're on your way--from label fixation to appreciation for less concrete, but more fulfilling aspects of life. I stopped in because today is #IWSG First Wed. and your blog's on the list. Glad you're there. Hope you'll make a few stops at some other writer's spots to cheer them on.


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