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dust and shuttered words


he stood in the doorway

gripping the frame unsure

the light illuminated him from behind

the room was shuttered and dark

filtered sunlight cast beams

that caught the floating dust

he had not entered that room in months

why today?

he knew the book he needed for his research was on the table

he gave it to him 8 months prior and it was in this room

he had stalled finishing his paper long enough

he stepped in

the old floorboards creaked as if to say stay out

he stopped in his tracks

tears welled up in his eyes

i can't he thought i just can't

he heart was pounding in his chest

so loudly it was as if the room beckoned

it's just there i can see it

if i can just gather the strength i can get it

what the hell is wrong with me?

its just a room

his room

its my house!

but it does not feel like home any longer

he fought the memories that came rushing into his mind

laughing times, clinging times, passionate times

now no more

nothing where there was so much

his strength waned and he cried out

god why?

why did you take him?

why am i left here alone?

how could you do this to me?

we had so much love

so much


he could no longer contain his misery and he stumbled to the chair

his chair, his study, his room

he collapsed into the soft leather

clutching his head in his hands

and began to sob uncontrollably

tears fell to the dusty floorboards

his nose ran

it was most undignified

and he did not care

his wailing caught the attention of the dog

who stood at the doorway of the room

he did not understand why he was not allowed in the room

he used to spend hours with his master in this room

now it was closed and he would sit outside the door and whimper

to be let in but there was no one to open the door

today the door was open and his man was in the room

he went to the sobbing man

and stuck his furry head between his hands

he began to lick at the man's tears

the man clutched the dog tightly and allowed him to lick his face

he left you too he said to the ball of fur in his arms

god why?

how can i continue like this?

i am like an empty shell

my other half was ripped from me!

god you have left me alone

after so many years a good life a happy life

why have you taken him?

leaving me here alone

why didn't you take me too?

how could you just take him?

leaving us to go on without him

he placed the dog on the floor and leaned back in the chair

inhaling deeply the dust of a room sealed off and ignored

he coughed

the dog barked

and he lay his head on the edge of the chair his eyes clouded with tears

unable to focus

but he did not care

there was no meaning to his life any longer

months he walked as a living man dead inside

i will never finish that paper, i don't care it is worthless

his cracking came as a surprise even to him

at the funeral he could not cry

he was in shock, he walked numb, to everything

he went through the motions

speaking and eating but he did not experience anything

weeks of sleeping in the bed unable to wash the sheets for fear

of taking his smell away

he pressed his face into his pillow and breathed the scent of him

unable to cry

his friends worried about him

so stoic, so stalworth was he cold?

no tears

he packed up his belongings and gave them away

he kept a few sweaters and a jacket or two

he closed up the study and would walk past the door

ignoring it as if the room no longer existed

the dog would be asleep out in the hall with his nose pressed to the door

it meant nothing

yet today he fell apart his last tread was stripped and he crumbled

he could not stop the tears the sobbing the shaking

the questions


god why?

everything in this room was his, he was engulfed with his lost love

the room needed him it held him

it broke him

and he lost it safely in the room

no one saw his collapse his weakness

that was fine that was the way he was raised

emotions are yours alone do not share any

do not expose yourself

today he did not care in the darkened dusty room

he mourned his love

after many months he accepted the loss

he denied the loss

today he grieved the loss

his books left where he placed them he saw through filtered tears

everything just as he left it

the day he went to the store to get the wine for dinner

they never knew it would be his last day

they never knew he would never return

so many things left unsaid


now locked away just like the room

closed and ignored

forgotten yet existing

the tears flowed continually

the sadness engulfs like a wet woolen blanket

he could do nothing to fight it

there was nothing he could do

months of backed up emotion needed to flow

like a volcano blown once erupted the flow would stop when it stopped

he did not care, he really did not care

what am i here for?

why do i exist?

i will never be real again

whole again

i will forever be empty and broken

the man i loved ripped from me in a second

gone without a goodbye

without a word

without an i love you

why did i fail to say those words?

why was it not something we said daily?

after so many years was it too common place to state

or was it over looked as what it was

and no more

it mattered not since he could never say them again

his chest heaved as he pulled in the dusty air of the room

his tears were slowly stopping and he held the dog tightly

he opened his eyes and began to see the room in the filtered light

it was a warm room, filled with his loves moments

he placed the dog on the floor

stood up and slowly walked to the window

he opened the shutter and allowed light to enter

the sun invaded the darkened room

illuminating his things

his books his typewriter his desk

the things they collected over the years in their travels

he went to the desk and sat in his chair

he placed his fingers on the keys of the ancient typewriter

he imagined they were his hands

he looked at the piece of paper still in the old machine

there were words typed on the page

chapter one page one

they walked the cobblestone street together holding hands in the warm

tuscan sun, the ancient walls of homes built before they were born. jake turned toward andy and and said i am so glad i let you talk me into this trip i am having the most astonishing time and i wanted to tell you that i love you

i know we don't say it enough but during this romantic trip i just had to let you know, jake pressed his lips to andy and confirmed the love that they shared. little did they know that within a few short hours everything they knew and understood would change forever.

the words stopped

he scanned the yellow legal pad for more notes

jake and andy italy romantic trip

tuscany- attack/ robbery- murder- betrayal- loss- anguish- pain- devastation-

how will jake survive? loss of andy

italian police inept, robbery? attack?

jake must find the killer-

jake distraught, suffering

danger - foreign

ask tom for journal of the trip to italy for note ideas-

the notes ended with him asking for the journal he was writing about us?

he never told me it was a love story?

he scanned the desk for more notes and began to read what was written

after a few hours he had the novel in his head

he understood the direction he was taking it

i can not believe i did not come into this room he thought

it's been here all along he told me the words we did not share that night

he knew i loved him

and i know he loved me

they were written here and locked away

in a room i could not enter

always here, so close

so close

he went to the table and picked up the book he came for

i have a paper to finish

and when i am done i have a novel to write

he and the dog exited the room

this time he did not close the door.

tony scarpa 1/17/2019

the study illuminated



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