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Updated: Apr 24, 2018

some open ended question, well did you?.. yeah yeah i am sure that you did once or twice even today. the truth is we all do it, we doubt our own instincts and hand the ball off when we know that if we took that shot- swoosh 3 points.

ok enough jock talk, but truly most of us take that word "'instinct' and always assume its the same as women's intuition, when they are two separate and individual feelings.....simply put an instinct is what your DNA tells you when a survival skill is to be needed ok, anthropology 101, eat or be eaten, our ancestors relied on instinct to keep them alive, it was not a well if i do this then this will happen, it was more - hey you look out that lion looks hungry, run now... or you are the menu.

even the ability to love is instinct, again 101 see what you desire go for it, follow your heart, well news alert that heart of yours is connected to that beautiful brain, ok yeah the brain is kind of disgusting to look at even to this day i get all ugggh not a brain...

i digress the heart and brain work in tandem, see the object of your affection, or desire or that special someone that just hits you where it hurts, okay boys and girls you can take that wherever you like, i just work here...but in technical terms - thank you Discovery channel. the synapse starts a neuron to set off a chain reaction...techie talk blah, blah, blah you see that special someone and your heart beats a bit faster you break out in a sweat, hands all clammy and you know instinctively they are the one for you....common sense you approach that someone, and as they say in the movies "cut to the roaring ocean waves crashing on the rocks".. such an old cliche but have you ever noticed they still evoke that image that in the recesses of your mind they are at it wild as bunnies...

so just an example of why we need to trust our instincts, i am the worst, i would be lion buffet on day one, not that i do not know better i just have this thing for lions, check out my pinterest page you will get your fair share, but when it comes to love i sincerely believe my synapse and my neurons have not spoken in quite a few years...

sure i can fall in love with the first set of doe brown eyes and all i need is a pulse to quantify that they love me back, but if we kept score and no i am not, i tend to break my heart every few decades - ok those of you who know me can get up off the floor and for g-ds sake wipe off those tears of laughter, it's not THAT funny. it's not that i have anything against love, in fact i have been accused by some loving and caring friends that i love the feeling of being in love that if i get that nod of approval that indeed there is a pulse, i love being in love. there i said it now i am both vulnerable and cute- easy pickings for whoever has a hankering to break a fella's heart... ok TMI...

this was about instinct not about my pathetic love life....

ok back to the lion's buffet...

sure its 2018 and we live in a techno savvy world where we can if humanly possible avoid thinking for about 8-10 hours a day coincidentally, for many it happens to fall from 9 am to 5 pm with a few breaks throughout the day, for lunch, great time to converse about what you watched on Netflix last night, among other things and then your mind might kick in about 4:45....just in time to ditch your office, cubicle, workstation, well just about anywhere you happen to be....

but we tend to lose many of the natural instincts from way back in anthropology 101, less face it the days of lions chasing us for dinner are long gone. but that does not mean we place our instincts on permanent hold, there are many small but significant reasons to trust the instincts we where gifted with so many thousands of years ago. numero uno comes to mind if your instincts tell you that sushi from a vending machine will lead to disastrous results, do yourself a huge favor, LISTEN, TRUST.... they might be softly spoken in our world of electric noise, but strain if you have to.. they are there for a reason, not just to score that 3 point shot, or not burn your hands grabbing the boiling pot on the stove without an oven mitt...

if you listen to your instincts, give them a bit of elbow room to spread out, trust that they are there for a very special reason not just mating, and avoiding lions, they will prove you right more often than not..

challenge to you, if you enjoyed this little heart to heart let me know, if you have a great instinct story share it... what have you got to loose, my lion is stuffed.


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