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contemplating fucking gray


sliding out of the warm soft bed

placing his feet on the carpeted floor

seeking the protection and comfort of his slippers

reaching for his robe

all so rote

a lifetime of routine

slowly becomes habit

and that becomes so much more

the sun is not up yet

skies show an abundance of darkness fading slowly

but not illuminated

he shuffles to feed the dog

barely awake

aware of aches and pains increasing daily

why am i so sore?

he thought i was only asleep

not in the boxing ring going a few rounds with a heavyweight

he sits sipping his coffee

the elixir of the gods

even the smell sets off synapses of neurons

awakening the body and soul

and so begins his day

opening up the never ending emails

blah blah blah, meet exciting russian women, lose 16 pounds in 16 days, refinance your life insurance...blah blah the fucking blah

sorting through all the mess and deleting most

i am in desperate need of a miracle he thought

my life is just going nowhere

days blending together

i exist merely to exist

he kept pressing delete, delete, delete


he pauses and sighs

turning to look out the slider

on the garden so dismal

shades of fucking gray he thought

and tones of brownish fucking gray

where are the abundant greens that shelter his oasis?

just grays from the sky lowering to the ground

not fog just a overwhelming sense of grayness

the white fence blends to grays

the patio shaded grays

the wasted foliage in planters reminders of summer, gloomy dead grays

i fucking hate gray he said aloud to the empty room

except for the dog chewing on a toy

too busy to even take notice of his masters comment

the more he looked the more he became engulfed in grays

he began to think on gray

what the hell is gray?

can it be the washing out of color?

so simple of a thought, easy answer

or can it be more powerful than that?

the combining of all colors

into such a mass of light and energy that they overpower each other?

with a blast each color adds it own energy

causing a balancing reaction

each wiping the other clean

so they all blend to fucking gray?

no you fool, the rational voice said

all colors thrown together equal black

but what if they are not completely thrown together?

what if they shade in degrees?

what are you an astrophysicist?

no he thought why does complete always remain complete?

why is such a day filled with numerous shades of gray?

it is not black

you are wrong he says to his rational voice

they all equal gray

but maybe its a conspiracy? it is only outside that the world is shaded grays

indoors the colors all retain their vibrancy the reds are red

the other colors are clear and precise

maybe there is a plan?

to eradicate the outside world of color?

just stop it, he says to his deep innermost thoughts

stop the crazy train, i need to get off

yet he looks out again

there is no doubt the colors have been drained

what or who could do that?


sure its 20 degrees outside

maybe the colors have all flown south with the song birds?

oh my goodness will you get a grip!

no, i know for a fact miami does not look like this

have you lost the very last thread of sanity?

obviously if i am debating with myself and losing

my sanity is surely in question

ok smart guy then you tell me

where are all the damn colors?

i do not know, if you don't then how could i?

well you have me on that point

so why argue the point the colors have been stolen, or fled

accepted ok so why and where?

do you think we are safe here?

what if whatever stole the colors can get inside?

wow you need a vacation, even i can't help you now

no, no... think about it for a minute what if it is just outside the door

waiting to slip in and drain all the color out of the rest?

the dog wants to go out

NO! i can't let him out there, what if he comes in with it and brings the grays inside?

of worse yet what if he turns gray?

i can't risk it he is staying inside

ok then do not complain if he pees on the rug

do i really care about that with the world fading away before my eyes?

well you used too, but i am beginning to see your point

thank you i can agree with myself

ok take a deep breath and look out there

holy shit its worse

yup i can see that for sure

what the hell is going on?

ok don't let the dog out

again thank you for agreeing with me

maybe its fog? or smoke?

no look its not moving but it is moving at the same time

it's like waves of fucking gray are being washed over everything

i have an idea

ok i am all ears

let's shut the curtains and go back to sleep

you think that is wise?

well we have always been safe under the covers

valid point

besides its a fucking gray day what will we miss?


with that he got up from the sofa, closed the curtains

went to his room, took off his robe, slid out of his slippers

pulled back the covers

and went back to bed

safely under the covers he said to his rational voice

good idea

thanks now turn off the light

what about the dog?

too late he peed

ok i will deal with that later

soon he slipped into a deep sleep

dreaming of a world filled with color and light

tony scarpa 1/29/2019

fucking gray



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