memories, great winds shoulder the large wings
once white as freshly fallen snow
now tinged with grays and ash
time held no meaning for the angel
he had been of the earth, too many years
walking with and among the people
living lives he did not choose
places he did not choose
pains he did not choose
once deep in his memory
he flew with his bretheren
the universe was his domain
and heaven was his home
walking beside his creator
the creator of all
of light and the dark
his G-d
the one true and only G-d
till that one time
burned into his essence
when he dared question the
one true G-d, his G-d
of his love for his creation
angels could not understand
why G-d gave to the creatures
that walked upright, spoke, thought
such a great gift, free will
too precious a gift the angel said
why to creatures that are so beneath
us your heavenly consorts?
it was then the angel felt the energy
of his G-d change
how dare you azriel question me
do you love the creatures that walk the earth?
G-d asked azriel
i do my G-d they are powerless, weak
they have much to learn
we do our best but they deny our existence
i have heard them deny your existance
is that so? asked the one true creator
what do you suppose i do to them?
how would you punish such insolence?
it is not my place my G-d to make such decisions
it is only you who can decide the fate of what you create
then why do you question me azriel?
demanded an angry G-d
it seems that they do not deserve you, my G-d
then you do not understand the creation, my azriel
i made them in my image to go forth and create
upon the planet as only i can create in the cosmos
i gave them free will that they may know me
love me on the terms that they alone must understand
it seems my angels do not understand my creation
azriel are there many among you that do not understand?
yes there are my G-d there are, many confused and complex
are our thoughts of your creation
then i ask you azriel go and bring your brothers to me
assemble all those that question my creation
many came forth openly to hear the word of G-d
some did not and held their thoughts away from G-d
rightfully busy doing the tasks set forth for them
of the many that came G-d asked
do all assembled here question my creation
and why they have been given the gift of free will
one that you feel should not
be bestowed upon such unworthy creatures?
many were frightened to answer but some did
yes my G-d they are much lower than us yet they have been given
gifts beyond their understanding?
do all of you feel this same way?
that my creation is unworthy?
weak and helpless, without your powers
strengths and wings?
many murmured, a few agreed
azriel since you have felt that in your travels among my creation
they are not worthy of my gifts also thoughts of your brothers assembled here
from this day forward all massed here will live among my creation
without your power, and without your wings, for as long as
it takes for you to understand, what it is to endure, a punishment
from your G-d your creator
to live as my creation, to suffer the existence, the weakness
the pains and death, sorrows of my creation
in a flash the angels assembled where cast down
they stood upon the earth heavenly creatures now in human vessels
wings gone, powers gone
they did not know each other at first but once they understood
where they were and what had happened they saw the light
that humans can not hold, burst forth for a instant then go out
no longer united as the heavenly host
they resembled the tribes of man
each one different
when they went to speak they did not understand each other
each then ran away to find his own tribe
washed of all but a few memories
they quickly saw that in man's weakness he had to survive
hunger a new feeling gnawed at them, thirst, heat, cold
never before considered now became their lives
some never made it past that first night when darkness came
they feared it because they never experienced darkness
hunted and feeling fear, terror, sadness
all of man's emotions, now their own
the former angel azriel suffered equally he lived and died many times
before the memories came back, of G-d, of flight
in his many lives he cried for G-d to forgive him
his cries were ignored
for G-d wished to humble the former angels
who believed they held a higher position than his creation
then as a miracle G-d sought azriel and spoke to him
i see that you now understand what is is to be human?
to suffer all that man suffers, from his body and from his soul
but in all the time you suffered you still called to me
to release you from your punishment, you remembered
and held me in your heart, you did not seek other G-ds
you kept your faith that one day i would come for you
and this day i am here for you my son, azriel
for you have been humbled in my eyes and have earned your
return to your former existence
but for now walk among men
tell them of my glory and love, show them faith has no boundaries
hope and light exist for all who wish to own it
help any who seek my guidance, bring them back to me
and in time you shall feel your wings, walk the path my son
azriel, do my work and you shall come home again
this i promise you
your power shall be to shine the light that you owned as angel
light the darkness and show the holy, speak my simple truths
you shall once again feel your wings but they will not be exposed
until the time when i see fit and once they have been returned
fly back home to me
the former angel wept with joy for his G-d had returned and had
forgiven him and had given him hope that he can assist in the thoughts
of others, to see G-d, to love him, to honor him
to show the light to all who hunger for light
and so he went out and did the work set forth by his G-d
not as prophet, not as savior, but as angel
his path new, fresh, light and filled with love
if only to help one then he had succeeded
he felt the earth as if it too were healing
that man needed to be reminded to live life every day
since human life is short, be the best you can be
if you fail try again tomorrow
be happy and know that when your time comes you to
shall come home to G-d
tony scarpa 6/14/2018
