wayward wind
take the sail
take the engine
take the wheel
to the shimmering sea
turbulent cold waves
crash as explosions of white foam
against the tumble of boulders
cascading as waterfalls
through every crack and fissure
icy cruel water
turns mountain ranges into sand
and sand into nothing
carves canyons deep yet so very grand
water giver of life?
devours life?
but did not life slither out
of the mother sea?
does she not forgive?
as well as forget?
ask the rusting hulks that slowly decay
upon her floor
ask the shark as it seeks to feed
ask the many eating many and more
she is not kind, she is not gracious
she is not the same mother as earth
she is sea, ocean, powerful as any storm
gentle as the lapping waves in a tidal pool
one to respect and fear
she takes few hostages
she releases fewer hostages
she surrenders only the dead
she is dangerous even at her most calm
never turn your back on her
never trust her
she is always hungry
always waiting
right now, she is silently rising
quietly growing, planning
if only to take one inch here
and one inch there
of the true mother
can nothing stop her?
there is nothing to stop her
mother earth can advance only so much
pushing back hard against
the ever encroaching sea
this dance that they have danced for millennia
